draped in shame, cluttered desks, word origins, grape soda, VHS, being on the grind, subalterns, the digital revolution, suburb phenomena, answering machines, rotary dials, junk collecting, napkin scribbler, t.v. remote thief, pens, pink lady and spartan apples, gray ghosts, cyclical events, keeping keys from the 'telly', other people's I.D.s and C.C.s, all things gritty or grainy, faux-hemians
my dreamweaver: pale skin, dark hair, light eyes, full lips, major attitude, prefers Depeche Mode to the Cure, is just self-aware enough to be confident but knows when it's appropriate to shoot from the hip, thinks that Summertime is the only good song Will Smith ever did or will ever do,, calls people out on their bullshit, doesn't feel the need to explain how she feels, has intelligence but can still be a dork, can be ready in 5 minutes, has seen Pink Flamingo's and thinks John Waters is a genius, she hates t.v. but can't stop watching reality shows just to pick them apart, has seen Real Genius on purpose--more than once,, she puts her hair up revealing a soft, smooth neck and nape,, uses make-up sparingly,, when she sports the heel she prefers a round toe, and rocks the wedge with style,,
some shit you probably never heard of
todd solondz, charlie kaufman, wes anderson, richard linklater, sofia coppola, david lynch, cameron crowe, abrahams//zucker, coens, alfred hitchcock, spike jonze, larry clark
The Sickness Unto Death
Huey Newton, Huey Lewis, Huey Duck