You want to enter the first ever ten-minute playwriting competition here in Beaumont, Texas. It is co-sponsored by Take a Bow, The Art Studio, Inc. and the Southeast Texas Council for the Arts. Watch our blogs for rules and regs.
Writers, actors, directors, and all production personnel who really mean it when they say that theatre is their life. If it isn't the last thing you're thinking of when you fall asleep and the first thing on your mind when the alarm goes off, it's probably not the field for you.
very eclectic, suffice to say
Coen Brothers, Scorsese, and too many individual films to list
BBC comedies and dramas; Showtime Tudors series and Weeds, Tracey Ullman
biographies, historical novels, mysteries
Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Faulkner, Tom Stoppard, and my goodness, but this is going to take all day