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MUSE MUSE MUSE MUSE MUUUUUSE do me a favor and check this band out... click on these videos and go buy all their cds and check them out live. they are one of the best bands of all time and they will go down as one of the most influential bands of all time. and you can hold me to that.
radiohead. pink floyd. muse. depeche mode .. and GUNS AND FUCKIN ROSES BABYYYYY
i really love movies that make you think and leave things open for interpretation. fight club, seven, donie darko, jacobs lader, the machinist, american history x, secret window, pretty much anything with brad pitt, edward norton, and johny depp...i also quote dumb and dumber on a daily basis hahaha....
seinfeld, simpsons, satruday night live, south park, and the only one that doesnt start with an "S" family guy. loove that show and not sure how they get away with it hahaha
okay i have picked up and read OOOONE book on my own free will in the last about 15 years and it was a book called "Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth Miller. i couldnt put it down and found it to be so interesting. it completely changed my outlook on life. i highly recomend reading it.
i have no idea what collin is doing but this shit cracks me up so i had to post it