Niagara free maid and virgin servant profile picture

Niagara free maid and virgin servant

Waiting on women hand and foot

About Me

This is a 18+ only profile. Although there is NO nudity here per myspace rules I only add those who are 18+ and only accept adds from those who are 18+ based on their profile listings. If this listing is not correct do not accept my add or add me. Thank you. If your profile is incorrect do everybody a favour and please *dear God* change it to the right age.
If I've added you more than once please accept my apologies. Either your profile pic changed and I didn't realize or I made a mistake. Please add me to your ignore list so it doesn't happen again. Myspace does not inform me if a user has refused a friend add.
  • If you have any questions about this feel free to myspace mail me or IM For the record guys like me are into this because it's a fetish (although I'm still not looking for any sort of sex in return - that'd actually ruin the fun for me).
  • Use me for:
  • Using me as entertainment (will do whatever you find funny/entertaining - example: you and your friends hunt me at a paintball centre)
  • Cleaning/chores while you relax
  • Having me wait on you or you and your friends entertainment while you party (Legal drinking age only)
  • Hard labour (i.e. moving furnature/boxes, yard work, farming, etc)
  • Running errands
  • Anything as long as it's safe and legal

  • Love the idea of being chained to a sewing machine making clothes for a woman who makes alternative clothes for a livng or a art slave sponsor to an artist.

  • mail me here or
  • IM on yahoo & aim (sosniagara)
  • or msn ([email protected]) to find out more.
  • For the record I like this because it's a fetish so please don't send me mail asking, or worse yet questioning, why I would want to be used and worked by a woman or couple.

  • For those who have asked. I do have a head shot for those who are interested and it can be sent over IM. Please don't ask if you are not interested.

  • In case you're wondering if it's wrong to enslave someone for your gain. Aristole said that there are some who should be slaves and others masters by their very nature and that both parties feel at their best in that dynamic. - from Orgeon State University ( as/Aristotle-slavery.html)

  • Any parameters to meet in real time that you wish to set are more than cool. Meeting in a public place, meeting with a bunch of your friends (incl male friends who could kick my ass if I step out of line) or whatever would make you feel more comparable is more than cool. All I'm into is being used and worked by women/couples so I have no worries with whatever you'd find cool to meet.
  • I'm a film fanatic, big fan of poetry and spoken word, music like The Pixies and Tori Amos et al and any sort of left wing punk music. My film interests range from Citizen Kane to Pink Flamingos (gotta love John Waters and Divine) to The Rock...basically anything that at least *tries* to be a orig. idea instead of the same old Hollywood game.
    Politically I'm rather left wing (card carrying member of the NDP) however don't look down my nose at those who vote Liberal (either b/c they like them or b/c they worry about the left vote being split and the neo-cons slipping through the middle. I'm a vegan (however this is not on my list of req'd things for a partner).

    My Interests

    Yep. For those who wondered I am a mature Brock student. Did the Niagara College thing, worked in a factory for awhile after that. Spent awhile toasted after I got canned and that leads me to here lol.

  • House husband: A female's fantasy By Kathy Slobogin CNN
    (CNN) -- For a working mother, it's a fantasy. You come home at night to a spotless house, a gourmet meal simmering on the stove, your child's homework all done.Not only that. Your dry cleaning has been picked up, the gutters have been cleaned and the leaky faucet repaired.Ad Hudler may just be God's gift to women: a house husband. He tackles the job with energy and perfectionism. He has landscaped the garden and decorated the house. He irons and does the laundry. He even soaks the stove knobs in ammonia to get them clean."Every night, every single night on my hands and knees I clean the kitchen floor," says Hudler. "Because a mop doesn't do it, a mop shoves the dirt around and it doesn't do it."
  • Perfect House Husband Poll ..1:
  • Perfect House Husband Poll ..2:
  • I'd like to meet:

    a woman or couple interested in a slave for short term use or a woman/couple interested in a slave for long term use. I'm *not* into this for sex (I'm actually a virgin). The only thing along these lines might be keeping me in a chastity belt - but it's not like I'm only looking for that - just open to it. Please note when I say women - I mean women. If your profile says 18+ but you're not that isn't good enough. Min age for me is 18 except when paying for you to party then it's 19+. Please don't ask me if i'd buy booze for you if you're not 19 - I won't.

    What I'm looking for long term:A woman, a group of people, or a couple into using me as a meal ticket with me working to pay the bills and them relaxing and partying all day with me coming home at night to be their foot rest, maid, servant and court jester. (All when I'm done university so I can actually afford it tho ;) )


    Pixies, System of a Down, Allen Ginsberg, Tori Amos,Leonard Nimoy, Cub


    John Waters, Michael Moore, Laurel and Hardy, Star Trek, Storytelling, Ghost World, Marx Brothers, Ghostbusters, Pink Flamingos, Serial Mom, Cecil B. Demented, Hairspray, Mutiple Maniacs, Mondo Trasho, Desprite Living...anything John Waters really. Stuff by Ed Wood, Andy Kaufman, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Woody Allen, David Mamet, Half-Baked, Spalding Gray films, Babe/Babe: Pig in the City, Ghostbusters (*love,it alot*), Citizen Kane, The Third Man, Undercoiover Brother, almost anything by Kevin Spacey, Coen Brothers (Esp. barton Fink) Marx Brothers, Strange Brew, Stripes, The Impoosters, Lathe of Heaven (the only movie PBS ever made and it's Sci-Fi!), Star Trek, Michale Moore (anything by him really), Dark City, Waiting for Guffman, American Splendor, Office Space, Incredible Mr. Limpet, Defending Your Life, Pee-wees Big Adventure, Three Amigos, Best in Show, Mighty Wind, Scrooged, The Apostle, Wild Wild West, Good Burder, Little Shop of Horrors, Death Race 2000, Eating Raoul, L.A. Story, Sweet Hereafter, Man of the Century, The Rock, How to Frame a Fig, Dirty Work, The Naked Gun movies, Airplane, Batman: The moive (the 1960s version), Crash, the Nightmare before Chrstimas, Lost in America, Fargo, Mr. Death, To Be or not to be, Jerry Seinfeld: Comdian, Theatre of Blood - plus most things Vincent Price, Waking Life, Top Secret, Usual Suspects, Happiness, Muppets from Space Sopaceballs, UHF, Back to School, Good Morning Vietnam, The Arrival, Columbo movies of the week, Throw Momma from the Train, The War ofthe roses, Dirty Rotton Scoundrals, Caddyshack, Life is Beautiful, Glengarry Glenross, Ghost World. Sleppy Hollow (plus most stuff from Tim Burton), Network, The Ghost and Mr. Chickem, My Neighbour Totoro, , The Corporation, A Christmas Story, Saved!, Run Ronnie Run, The hunting of the President (a great doc about the rights obsession with destroying Bill Clinton) In a nutshell: Arthouse movies (esp. arthouse comedy and drama), comedies, a bit of horror, drama and avant garde stuff generally.


    Daily Show, Seinfeld, The Prisioner, Star Trek, South Park, Scrubs, Simpsons, King of the Hill, Mr. Show with Bob and David, Arrested Development Futurama, Bullshit (Penn and Teller fyi not carried in Canada), Fawlty Towers, Dave Chapelle Show, Arrested Development, That 70s Show, Star Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9 (the best imho), TAS and Enterprise), Seinfeld, Larry Sanders, Curb Your Enthusiam, The Prisioner, Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, The Daily Show, Real Time with Bill Maher (not carried in Canada).


    Fav author (and director) ^__^ John WatersAnything by Allen Ginsberg, Noam Chomsky or Michael Moore. Other interests: vegan, peta, animal rights, the mary jane.


    Not hero per se but I need the text box to give a bit of info on chastity lol.Took off Male Chastity: The Woman’s Pictorial Guide to a Blissful Relationship by Dr. Tanya Larisse

    My Blog

    Wild British type "upstairs/downstairs" FEMDOM story' s quite long so I haven't read through that copy of the story however I found the entire thing (plus an extra chapter) from the CW Cobblesto...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 02:33:00 PST

    US conservatives want to outlaw sex toys in South Carolina

    Bill would make sale of sex toys illegal in South CarolinaSEANNA ADCOXAssociated PressCOLUMBIA, S.C. - Sugar 'N Spice manager Pat Irons says a proposal to outlaw the sale of sex toys in South Carolina...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Thu, 11 May 2006 06:27:00 PST

    The details on why i like to be enslaved by women/couples

    I'm interested in this because paying for a beautiful woman's old socks or shoes is symbolic of my calling of being used and worked for a beautiful woman's gain and profit. A mild starting point like ...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:04:00 PST

    The end of objectifying women

    dy: A guy wrote this in his myspace. and it should make u thinkI know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don't look good... It hurts... because it's our fault, guys I mean. We make gir...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 02:21:00 PST

    College is starting - who wants a homework servant?

    Community College only (i.e. 2 year). No University (i go myself so that'd be too much work lol - unless there isn't alot of theory in it).Strenghs: English, history, sociology, computers et alweaknes...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 04:05:00 PST

    Why women cheat

    Interesting piece. And bodes well for when I'm done university and looking for a woman to support while she enjoys real men and I act only as her meal ticket and servant :D Why women cheat Birds stray...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 03:59:00 PST

    CitiBank charges service fees to woman for dying.

    Found this on another forum...Pretty funny stuff...My Aunt died this past January. Citi Bank billed her for February and Marchfor their monthly service charge on her credit card, and then added late f...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

    Got an IM from a woman telling me to buy her Billy Idol tickets

    -I want billy idol tickets.-and I think you should buy them for me-and I think you should buy 2 so I can bring a date. -Billy Idol with Special Guest Bif Naked Credit Union Centre, Saskatoon, SK -Fri,...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

    Money Slavery...

    A slave's duty in life is to serve, please, and obey his Owner. One of the most important ways in which he must serve his Owner is to work hard at his job so that his Owner does not have to work. This...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST people read profiles/know how to use myspace?

    Just time for me to vent. I'm getting sick of adding people whose profile says to the right that they're 18 and then seeing later 17 buried in the text later or whatever - myspace does allow you to...
    Posted by Niagara free maid and virgin servant on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST