Bananasy Island. American breakfast = hotdogs & eggs ◊ Terror fist ◊ Shopping at Hit& or ◊ Watergate Back up! ◊ It all came from Simba la la sua yaaa Sumini naa ne na ba Locals my ass ◊ Im not a chicken nugget, im a BIG MAC! ◊ Barney Asada ◊ MC Tapatio all on yo shirt ◊ Dear Fat Head, Your head is fuckin fat Love Me ◊ You do Karate? my little sister does karate ◊ 'lamo lamo' ◊ Lets go somewhere and exchange memory cards ◊ I'm gonna get Jiggy with a bunch of engineers in White Sands and exchange pointless stories with them ARE YOU JEALOUS YET?!?!? ◊
who's shoe is on the stage? ◊ Your face looks like a potty mouth ◊ TFP- trade for puppies ◊ I lost my sixty dollar glasses on the Indiana ride at Disneyland!! ◊ bring the champizzle ◊ You should let the cat fart in your face :) ◊ Your American meat always tastes so good, i dont know what you put in it Do u want some of my taco? ◊ Why don't you fall off the front and get hit already? ◊ What would Jesus do? Exactly, I didn’t want to look like an idiot trying to pay for a drink with something I got out a copy machine. That’s what co-workers are for “testing†◊ Its my dad's birthday ◊ OMG you have to see this. This girl speaks perfect English but looks CHINESE!!! I think she ran away from the circus ◊
Is that Paula Abdul on your shirt? No its my girlfriend Gloria Estefan ◊ I want to tell you a story, but in my car, for 5 mins ◊ hey damsel!! do you need to be rescued!?!?! ◊ His jacket is puffier than yours!! ◊ Fix your breaks, nah man, that's my horn ◊ Ease up off my girl! ◊ Are you mad at me? Am I not the cutest thing you've ever seen? ◊ DIRTY PACK ◊ Thats it, get out of the car. But i have flip flops on! ◊ Fake legs = crutches ◊ Is the road not big enough for you? No, its not big enough for your ego ◊ Man, I can't wait til Stephanie and Christina hear one of your lame jokes and rip into you ◊ Muffin and I were wondering if you wanted to go get coffee? ◊
You dont want kids?!?! You're boring! ◊ oh yeah, asian girls i expect to do that, i mean most Oriental girls do that, because they like to stay WHITE ◊ I am suffering!!! I am going to see the emergency room like on TV ◊ Like Sergio wished; Street scene now has single day tickets available! Hey Sergio could you make a wish of me having a million dollars thanks ◊ Red Carpet ◊ She looks like a Tranny in that dress ◊ Finding Mija ◊ I found a room with only a shower and a sink. Really? i found a room just with a toilet nothing else ◊ Were you sleeping in the closet? ◊ Guy: don't mess up my makeup. Me: you mean mine? Guy: no mine. His friend: You wear makeup? ◊ You laugh like a cow ◊ That guy has a perm ◊ I smell curry. ME TOO. WHO EATS CURRY ON THE BEACH ◊ I have a 34 inch waist. me: we will probably need the GPS to navigate around his tummy then. Once on the other side.. we'll probably forget what day it is.... does the GPS come with a calender?? ◊ What about the Hello Kitty napkins? OH! I was saving those for a special occasion ◊ I bring the party like Ron Burgundy baby!!! ( oh, and obviously, I’m white! ) Where my girls at? ◊ I'm a Leo. I'm a Taurus, SUP ◊ Street Ladies ◊ You think my friend is hot? you wanna git wit my friend? Can I at least know her name first?? ◊ Was it dress like a prostitute day? ◊
Damn ass kids…. WHO CARES ABOUT High School Musical!!!!! Wannabe grease! ◊ Who told you to go through drive thur?? "need a roof" ◊ You always get lost, if we ever want to get lost we should bring Christina, you know what you should get for Xmas? a gps ◊ Shut up bitch and sign these papers ◊ dude what the F it said 100000 monkeys landed on your keyboard! ◊ No one wears that to work, you know who wears that to work?? strippers do! ◊ Laughting out loud ◊ You don't want to hug? what kind of a girl are you? ◊ What would have happened if we missed? It would have landed in California!!!! Nah, there would be no party with free beer and pupus after the flight ◊ "I don't trust your water" ◊ Guy: 'Its not everyday you get to hug a dime.' me: 'awwww' Guy: 'and by dime, I mean me!' ◊ High rate = irate ◊ the short and ugly store called, they need you to model their clothing line ◊
OMG so I really don't care for Ms. Britany Spears but if you get a chance to hear her new album I really like the song "get naked" I think it's the beat or what she's saying lol... and "toy solider" and "break the ice" lol... me: ew Trader! ◊ I know its a heart, but your '<3' looks like a nutsack to me ◊ He obviously had no game and def not on the indiana/mel level ◊ thats sweet! haha. I was like..."i know her" ◊ They took him to some back room in someones house... like hes getting an abortion ◊ Ew our no smoking policy is supposed to include crack ◊ Sending hug...Did you get it? ◊ me: He took off his shirt. Margil: Did you guys watch?! me: Noooo. I wrote a term paper. Melissa: OF COURSE WE LOOKED!! WOULDN'T YOU LOOK? ◊ Bubble Hunter ◊ I met this guy in Traffic school... " ◊ all of my 'massages' are pre-natal massages" ◊ I hope my guy likes me like he likes his turkey, thick and juicy' I just want someone to "Mac" and "Cheese" me. just no 'string beans' ◊ ◊ Your mom looks like a shoulder lean..."◊
◊ Ask if Christina is coming she told my baby she would be there ◊ I don't want her backing out on her word that would be wack if she did" (me:ugh!) ◊ me: if you fall asleep, leave the ringer on ◊ Ken: I have it set on Christina mode = LOUD ◊ Ask him to show you his watch...It has girth ◊ Guys like me so much they trample over me to get to me ◊ "Its just like SF but without the drive." ◊ Christephanie...That sounds like a tree, but it doesn't need water, just massive amounts of coffee ◊ Dracula boo boo boo be boop ◊ A random guy: "Dude look at dave! he's surrounded by MILFS I should go over and infiltrate...ALASKA IN THE HOUSE!" ◊ Whats wrong with you? I've been here for 2 hrs and you haven't said hi to me, you don't like tall handsome men? You aren't attracted to "this" ???? ◊ "ppfft. My nipples are bigger then his" ◊ You're Korean? Your chest is really hairy like a wolf, we'll call you Kawolf ◊ Do you confirm this relationship? ◊ My house got raided by an Indian village" ◊ I have to guard the refrigerator there are special goodies inside ◊
WHOOOO SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS! dude! wrong holiday! ◊
Is that a limo over there? Who takes a limo to BART ◊ Have you seen Tara Reid? She's Dead ◊ So at the "party" i was hanging out with this guy named "john cutesack" ◊ No it says indiana james hearts my mustache. now it says " luxe de viviana thinks my mustache is flippin sweet ◊ "it was caused by u, from being hated, thats y im draggin u to death valley with me" ◊ i totally skratch better this cat ◊ DUDE, Let's Roll ◊ There will be blood! -Daniel Gay Lewis ◊ Christana of the James.. Will you be gracing San Jose with your presence tonight? ◊ Gonna Love the digital age ;) ◊ Remember when you were on Prozac?? You snored like a horse ◊ ...I think that... i have e-crush on you. again. it feels funny in my stomach. but then again... i had beers too soon after milk and cereal. so... i dont really know what it is ◊
Zack Zarcophagus ◊ ppl asked how I knew you I told them I met you on eharmony ◊ Lets go to the yogurt bars out there instead of going out to the regular bars we'll do that; yogurt bars, get full instead of drunk ◊ "Where are you going? Cuz your already gone in my heart..." ◊ Ice Cream? YES!! Im a Sagittarius!! ◊ Portuguese Nubian princess ◊ whhaaat!! wudda focker, whos is this person?? Let me skin em and eat em!! ◊ Abercrombie: oh stfu. what are you watching? the oxygen channel? ◊ Here you can have this... looks like you can afford the calories ◊ "SlimFast Martini" ◊
Viviana: i had fun last night. i really like the bloody beetroots
linton: cool cool.
linton: i hate you too :-)
Viviana: why?
linton: im just kidding.
me: He took me off his top 8:((
toady: your in my top 8..on my phone :D
◊ k i am going now... i need to channel my frustration on dishes ◊ Does he sound like Gambit?? MON CHERIE!!! ◊ HOT POCKET STEALER ◊ Whore-cha-cha ◊ 'Its called a "hangover", sorry for biting your lip ◊ ' X: Is Cinco De Mayo a National Holiday? Y: Its on every calender I've seen. Z: Its on my Hello Kitty calendar ◊ Not unless youre Chris Brown ◊ HELLO HOW ARE YOU? I CALLED YOU LAST WEEK (FRI) TO CHITTY CHAT, YOU HAVENT CALLED ME BACK ITS BEEN ALMOST A WEEK. I AM NOT YELLING AT YOU, I'M JUST TALKING LOUDLY IN BIG CAPS INCASE YOU'VE ALL OF A SUDDEN BECAME BLIND AND CANT SEE SMALL PRINT (LIKE MY CELL PHONE NUMBER IN YOUR KEYPAD) ◊ whatevs on the frenemies. youre the one that went delete happy on me ◊ Who wrote Beethoven's 5th? UM, I don't read books, only magazines ◊ Don't leave me tonight!!!! I will go out no matter what!!!!! So don't flake on me!! (5 min later txt) OMG i feel sick ◊ Canadian/Cuban huh?? That sounds like someone went on vacation and came back with a extra package ◊ It's hard to believe it when you tell me you hate me when there's a '<3' following it ◊ "if i had a man gina id have your babies dot com" ◊ Yeah, these songs would drive any Mariah hater off the deep end. I only blast Mariah with the windows up ◊ Star necklace, I miss you ◊
THE ELBO ROOM! make room for my elbows! byatches! ◊ You know Christina, at your age, you shouldn't be so picky ◊ Paris and Nicole ◊ I just want you to know, I have a open relationship with myself ◊ I like your hair, you don't have extensions like most girls ◊ Stephanie vs Stephanie a robot dance off ◊ XXXX get in the picture, they said they want the dog in it. ◊ Now that we've met your BAG, who are you?? ◊ Have you met Rickey? ◊ Just as long as you don't make fun of my snowflake pajamas ◊ Baghdad Nights ◊ He looks like a Troll, tell him to go jump on a pencil ◊ you wear sh-sh- short shorts? ◊ Hi. I'm not drunk- X: GAHH call me back when you are! ◊ X: When was your bday? Me: 6/4 ...... 64 like the Impala!!!! ◊ Thats for me to know and for you to wait at the most 4-6wks to find out ◊ going to lunch BRB try not to get too upset. its almost over... but she'll pick something else to byatch about; something from the fall schedule on "WE" ◊ Me: What are you doing? X: Im trying to focus Naomi Campbell...Naomiiiii Caaampbellll◊ Whats 2 x 2 ? Four Plums ◊ Random Guy: Hella girls are flipping the switch now and turning into dykes ◊ X: I'm a stenographer Me: Spell stenographer. X: Uh. stef- ◊ Margil: It was white like shit. ◊ Angelica: What do you guys do for fun? She makes babies. ◊ You made it to the second round in my heart :P ◊ I've discovered the secret to our health, its fossils ◊ That can't be your real name; is it? Dude you could be a female rapper! "You could slay all the competition" without the whip. LOl. I'm telling you...that name is straight hip hop right there. ◊ X: You can smell my shirt again since I'm leaving. Me: *sniiif* makes me want to go do my laundry now ◊ I really liked Chris Kattan as Keri Strug ◊ my greek grandmother is hilarious. every time i talk to her on the phone i get told that i had better be wearing condoms. try having that convo. ◊ I thought of you at Graceland there's a big ol' tv I said "this isn't complete until christina is laying on top of it"◊ WHAT KIND OF FUCKERY IS THIS! ◊ nerdblade ◊ "Daniel!!!! dinners ready!!!" ◊ Angies gunna take me clubbin in San Jose when I turn 18 ◊ "Hey girl, I been bettr. Im at a funeral rite now but ill hit u up again later. We need to hang out!!!" ◊ I'm not your buddy guy! ◊ Melissa Cruz is to DJ AM as the James girls are to Steve Aoki ◊ he has a sexy gaze.... in a Charles Mansion kinda way. ◊ "What did you do? Think about my cute ears? ;)" ◊ "I mean I do I fucking mean james dean. and I will get naked" ◊ Congratulations Nick, you're on your way to becoming America's Next Top Model ◊ BRB going to go crystal rock smashing ◊ That pic is the shitty ◊ your mom is a raver and you dont even know it, she drops E for exercise ◊ if you show up and do a naked two step Ill call the cops and say you broke into the house. ◊ helloo. New Kids party. Dont leave me here wit the weirdos! ◊ I dunno what I'm going to dress for Halloween, maybe I'll go as Joe the plumber because McCain and Obama keep talking about him. ◊Why I am not an only child but in a way I am By Manuel Valenzuela Jr. I know you girls are going to give me shit for this. And Christina, i know its too long. Its too depressing...BLAH BLAH BLAH...◊ Look at that guy over there, and this bozo over here, shit! it looks like we are in the middle of a show... ◊
Passive aggresive
Electro/House/Dance Punk/Ghettotech/Hyphy/The Rock-it! Scientists
human condition. Deep down you want to think that people are really good - but the reality outweighs that. I like movies that show you that...
The best line is towards the end of this scene
Gossip Girl
currently reading- IÑES OF MY SOUL