painting my face,
furniture from skips,
running red lights,
friends in parks,
banchu tea,
sitting up straight,
really loud oceanic guitar
car boots,
being loose,
the beat poets,
coloured patterns,
alone in parks,
zen and mahayana buddhism,
plants and gardening,
eating my greens,
candid photos of friends,
winnie the pooh,
wistful vistas,
imagining the lives of cavemen,
fairy tales,
totem poles,
the folk/diy ethic,
patchwork quilts,
sensible soccer,
eric zann,
crude drawings,
point and clickk
medium format,
volcanic tongue,
oblivion, peace, paper sailboats and all that jazz...
Nobody right now, It's real late.
bass heaving like the ocean
shamans incanting
lost voices swarming
the streams, wind and ancient forests tapping out a complex little beat
strings jangling the timeless campfire human tribulations
women howling like animals
synths soaring like birds
stuff that sounds like that really...
Lau Nau.
Napoleon Dynamite!
101 rekjavik
Three colours trilogy,
Last life in the universe,
Station agent,
City of god,
You and me and everyone we know rocked it hard. I liked spring, summer autumn, winter and spring, story of the weeping camel, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and the station agent. I don't really sit around for a film very often but I saw half of instrument by Fugazi the other day and it was incredible.
Oh yeah definitely, I love them! 'Marquee moon' rules!
"E-le-va-tion, don't go to my head!"
Ginsberg: A life, Barry Miles
Dharma bums, Jack Kerouac
Tao te ching, Lao Tzu
Ghost of Chance, William Burroughs
Speed/Kentucky ham, William Burroughs Jr
The Old man and the sea, Ernest Hemingway
Doors of perception, Aldous Huxley
A Million little pieces, James Frey
Food of the gods, Terence McKenna
Zen mind, beginners mind, Shunryu Suzuki
The little prince, Antoinne De Saint-Exupery
Henry Miller
Allen Ginsberg
Henry Rollins
James Frey
Charlotte Joko Beck
... and other women and men who live humbly and honestly, and who value others more than self.
And of course...
craig fraser
tim dawber
joe jach
allen ginsberg
iggy pop
terence mckenna
george orwell
most of my friends and relatives constantly inspire me, there's something perfect in everyone.