Your Mom.
Myspace Comments
Wrere do I start? Lately a lot of Snow Patrol, Orson, Steven Malkmus, The Strokes, The Arcade Fire, Modest Moouse, The Sounds, OK Go, Bjork, and of course, Paris Hilton.
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Mostly dumb, funny stuff with a good ending. Bomus if Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Will Farrel, or George Clooney are involved.
Project Runway, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, and , speaking of Comedy Central, what the hell ever happened to Stella? They only did like 3 episodes, but that was the funniest shit EVER! Comedy Central, if you're reading this, bring back Stella! Please!
just about anything, especially Kurt Vonnegut.And a publication called Mental Floss. If you're a nerd like me, you'd love Mental Floss.
Al Franken, Jon Stewart, Bill O'Reilly