lisa from swanage profile picture

lisa from swanage


About Me

laaandan tom thinks it'd take a paragraph to summarise me. but he'd have nothing bad to say (y)
...make of that what you will!

watch this: :)

Check out this video: My Boulder

listen to this:

add this:

do this: :)

My Interests

click these links and expand your mind!

animal aid
vegan society
amnesty international
the fairtrade foundation
miltary free zone

why animal testing is just wasting disease-curing time
why coca-cola is bad
why mcdonalds is bad
i hate starbucks
nestle's not great either
tesco is gash
as is asda/walmart

...infact spending money sucks completely. although i currently use my money to create demand for ethical products and avoid the bad where i can, i think you should check out freeganism as it wins.

if you need to buy things, please do some of it here for clothes:
no sweat apparel

here for cosmetics:
beauty without cruelty

and here instead of tesco!:

..and if you wanna know what's going down in the world indymedia is better than any mainstream bullshit.

I'd like to meet:

don't you be no stranger :)



rebel music.


the lion king
v for vendetta
star wars
trey parker and matt stone films
kevin smith films
jim carrey
pretty much anything really


watch dispatches




dave lawrence.
musicians, artists and writers who inspire me
people who do good things
a number of friends..

...oh, and these 3:

My Blog

its been a while...

...since i last posted a blog, uhm, yeah, sorry about that. been a bit busy, y'know? but anyway, a lot have thngs have happened since the posting of the last one, so here's some highlights! right. ch...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:45:00 PST

The Failed Beach party

  After hearing the Central gig was cancelled, we all decided to attend the beach party Guy invited me to. Doddsy also managed to get off work Sunday, so came down too. It was set to be an amazin...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:38:00 PST

N.A.S.S. 2007

  After a couple of days of frantically rushing round Swanage getting sorted, packing and getting excited, Friday 6th July finally dawned, and at 8:30ish, me and Chrissybob left our humble abode ...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:11:00 PST

3rd Weekend of Summer It Is!

This blog starts on Friday, suprise, suprise. They seem to be starting to follow a pattern now. Doddsy and Solomon arrived at my hosue mid-afternoon. Doddsy was in nothing but boxers, which was slight...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:31:00 PST

2nd weekend of June.

Sooo. Weekend of Wimbourne Folky! Lack of funds. time and organisation meant not attending that though. So Friday's event was LIZZIE'S GLITTER PARTY!  A couple of hours before the bus Maz came to...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 07:12:00 PST

First weekend of summer!

  Well. June started. I'm sure June counts as a summer month, and for us art students, it's already our summer holiday! Gutted on you uni and 6th formers!   But yeah. The amazing gig at The...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:33:00 PST

Do this!

Everyone else has had these for years, I've filled out loads but always refused to have one myself, but now I do, so please take 2mins out of your day to fill it in! They're quite interesting =] ...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Thu, 10 May 2007 05:29:00 PST

Guy's Partay, 31st March.

Guy's parents went away. So, natrually, he had a party, This one was a bit different to the one he had last summer, as we wdidn't spend the night hiding from posh kids in a corner of the garden.Bryony...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 06:09:00 PST

White Horse - 13th Jan.

Four 0 were playing 10-12. I got to Hannah's house around 9 armed with 2 bottles of wine, which we drank watching Harry Potter and discussing food. And decided to get some "Hannah and Lisa" pictures,....
Posted by lisa from swanage on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 06:36:00 PST

New Year's Eve '06

Oh, hoho. Yes. New Year's Eve in SWANAGE, 2006. At about 3pm, Doddsy, Woman, and Cooper randomly turned up at my house, then Paddy came over to play dress up. We made good use of my Christmas present...
Posted by lisa from swanage on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 10:30:00 PST