LoTs To MenTion..... aSk Me... tOo LaZiEe tO tYpE MuCh HeRe LoLz :P~ HoT GuYz?!?! :P~
aNeeBoDy....aNeeOnE.....wHoEvEr....WOOTEVAAAAAA! NiCe PeePz oF cOrZ.... fReAk aSs??? GeT LoSt HaIuOeHaEiHoIeAhIoIeAeHiOe eRmMmM... sPeCiaL inTeReZt iN HoTtTtTt GuYz!!! So.. if U eVeR cOnSideR uRseLf aS a HoTtIe... u'Re MoSt WeLcOmE! ;)~ A picture of urself will be much appreciated or else, i wont bother to reply... its just the basic courtesy and sincerity to have ur own picture displayed when u want to make friends with peepz :)
aNeeThInG tAt GoEs... MUSIC iS mY LiFe!!! (RnB, sLow RoCk, aLterNaTiVe, PoP?, LuRfEe, RaP, TrAnCez, TeChNo, n MaNy MoRe) ToLd Ya... Too MaNy tO MeNtiOn!!!
cHaRmEd, PO5, BH90210, MP, LoTz LoTz n LoTz
MaGz....SoMe bOOkS LiKe..pSyChoLoGiCaL tHinGy, SeLf iMpRoVeMeNt bOoKz, sPiRiTz?!?... eRm..nOt MuCh tHoUgH