What Is Your Battle Cry?
W ho is that, rampaging amidst the terrain! It is Erin, hands clutching buzzsaw hand extensions! And with a mighty grunt, her voice cometh:
"I'm going to fuck you until war is peace!!!"
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I love chicken salad despite my debilitating fear of mayonnaise. I'd rather eat carrot sticks than cheese cake but nothing makes me happier than a juicy steak... and there's a logical explanation for it all. I live to keep people guessing-- or rather, I live and it keeps people guessing. I saw my first dead body while I was babysitting. I once had an escaped criminal hiding beneath my house. I'm a magnet for the weird.
I am 25-years old. I am sort of strange. It took me about twenty years to be okay with that.
You are GIR! Zim's insane robot sidekick, you love
everything. TACOS!
.:: Which Invader ZIM Character are You? ::.
I'm mostly a good person but am by no means whatsoever to be considered perfect. If you neglect looking at my academic transcripts, you may even think I'm smart. I enjoy my friends and about a hundred-thousand other things that I won't bother boring you with. I'm anti-social by nature but school just aggravates it. I should start a club. The Anti-Social Club (weekly meetings... attendance discouraged).