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What kind of death bringer are you?
You Are 98% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?
..You're a murderous death bringer!/You were normal and a reble when you were alive. But you were betrayed and fogotten, so your soul fell into darkness. You don't wait for death, you CREATE it. Why should someone live happily when you were killed by the closest person you knew.
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You are the Queen of the Vampires. Your aire of confidence misleads your victims into trusting you though they shouldn't. You aren't out to get everyone. Your victims are chosen by their strength, intelligence....anything that would contribute to your powers and greatness.
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You have killed someone, or tried to kill yourself many times. You may have many enemies and noone to help you. Over exposure to death will ultimately cause you to break easily. Consider yourself a danger to society. Seek professianal help immediately!
Are you capable of killing
Which God or Goddess are you like? Your Result: Satan
You are dEvil.You love to make people cring, and you also laugh and heckle Jesus while his back is turned. You have a weird sense of humor, but somehow it works. Many fear you, and thats the way you like it. Congatulations!! Your are Satan!!
You are your own God or Goddess
God Zeus
Goddess Sekhemet
Goddess Bast
The Christian God
Which God or Goddess are you like?
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