Bellydancing, Wrestling, LOVE, Astrology, Modeling for my sister Natalie, rollercoasters, transcendentalism, the circus, stars(the ones made in outer space not hollywood), Tarot, Cinema, music, learning, Screwing Jeremy Irons (total fantasy), ice cream scooping, nail painting, animals, also, home movies and remakes, sleeping, Stalkerazzi-ing....
Einstein, Glen Danzig, Captain Spalding, Bill Nye, Vincent Price, M C Esher, Jim Varney, and you are a few among the many
Almost anything, Old Voodoo Jazz, Arabic Pop, Heavy F'in Metal, Country, Old Skool Country, Nasty A$$ Hip Hop, Punk Jive, 40's Swing Baby, and PRINCE, he gets his own category...
Lolita, Quills, Memento, FernGully, Skull head Face-GWAR, ShawShank Redemption, X-Men 1&2, Garden State, Dawn of the Dead, Bubba Hotep, Night of the Living Dead, The Devil's Back Bone, Texas Chainsaw, Dead Alive, Romeo and Juliet, indiana jones, dirty dancing:havana nights, and the iron giant
I love cartoons...Courage the Cowardly Dog, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Magic School Bus, Myth Busters, Prison break, dirty jobs, music videos, medical incredible, and Anything with Jeff Corwin
A Brief History of Time-Steven Hawking Love in Vein Twice Bitten-Poppy Z. Brite, Farenheit 451-Ray Bradbary, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty Trilogy-Anne Rice, All Astrology books especially those by Linda Goodman,
Albert Einstein and Ms. frizzle are somewhere on the list