Playing music, writing music, listening to music, watching music, finding music and MUSIC!! Hanging at bars, girls, porn, sex, beer, football and whatever tickles my fancy.
I have met a lot of people so by this point, just people who are REAL and TRUE!!
BRAND NEW SIN and a boat load of others. I listen to all kinds of music and my motto is this, IF ITS GOOD I WILL LISTEN. Don't ever be closed minded when it comes to music!!
(1) Star Wars (all of them)(2) Goodfellas(3) Braveheart(4) Shawshank Redmption(5) Office SpaceThere are so many more including all kinds of stupid comedies (Naked Gun and such) and too many horror movies to even begin. SCARE ME!!
Here are some of my favs....Cheers, Seinfeld, South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, WWE, Headbagers Ball, Uranium and History channel name a few
Anything by Stephen King and all the BATHROOM READERS!!
My parents, my band mates, METALLICA