The information in the books described on (also available on supersedes all currently accepted religious theology and philosophy as it is not based on the teachings of any adherents to a belief system in all of which the Truth is obscured.
It is no longer necessary to believe when the Truth is known. Sphere Eight Publications have been inspired and contributed to by members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, many of whom are featured in the Christian bible.
Amanda Valiant, now passed on, is a member of the governing body in heaven known as The Gardeners of the Earth. While she was incarnate, she and Alan Valiant, her husband, worked for many years receiving information directly from Sphere Eight, the spiritual realm from where the Hierarchy operate.
Alan Valiant, now a Spiritual Master, has worked with and on behalf of the Hierarchy since 1976 and is in daily communication by telepathy with numerous High Spiritual Beings who have passed on the Truth about our existence on this magnificent planet.He has channelled,among many, the great psychologist Carl Jung, who has passed on important information on how the mind works, and how to improve the current treatment of mental health.
The Twenty-First Century is the dawn of a re-awakened interest in people's true existence as opposed to the confusing religous beliefs which are becoming less and less accepted in the light of modern knowledge and the enhanced intelligence of both seers and seekers.
These spiritual books include subjects such as spiritual philosophy, telepathy, the occult, karma, reincarnation, psychic research, metaphysics, automatic writing and communication with the dead.
About author Alan Valiant:
Alan Valiant was born in 1920 in Montreal, Canada and served in the Royal Air Force for fourteen years, including the Battle of Britain and the invasion of Normandy. After the war, he worked as a research and development engineer at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough in Hampshire.
In radio, electronics, electrical, aeronautics, consultant in underwater technology.
Designer and builder of four Diver Transport Vehicles (wet submersibles) and two remotely-controlled underwater surveillance vehicles. Inventor of a diver's lifejacket.
Plays guitar, clarinet and tenor saxophone in jazz and dance bands.
Author of "How to Talk with the Dead", "My Conversations with Jesus Christ", "Why Believe? When You Can Know!" and "My Meetings With The Lord God". Editor of "A Course in Spiritual Philosophy".
Has flown as pilot, hang gliders, sailplanes, motor gliders, light aircraft and microlight aircraft. Was Flight Test Engineer on British airship SK500.
Lectures in spiritual philosophy, sub-aqua diving and flying.
Was a sub-aqua diver for twenty years and a diving instructor for ten years. First person to re-discover the Mary Rose (Henry Vlll's flagship). First Class Diver of the British Sub-Aqua Club.
Speaks English, French and German.
Psychic Researcher
Clairvoyant: Can see people in the spiritual world.
Telepath: Communicates with those in the spiritual world by telepathy which is communication between mind and mind other than through the known senses.