.[most hated].
[1.]splinter [2.]girls who smoke virgina slims [3.]people who claim to be 'into' photography because they take myspace pictures of themselves and use photoshop [4.]my ipod being broken [5.]cunts [6.]girls who wear trucker hats because they think their still cool [7.]people who dont resize their pictures [8.]people who cant type complete words and spell words incorrectly on purpose [9.]other drivers [10.]weak drinkers [11.]bad tattoos [12.]cheap beer and people that know nothin about beer [13.]how scene vitamin water is now [14.]people that just dont get it [15.]construction outside my house [16.] dirty jersey [17.]myspace [18.]liars [19.]upn [20.]losing touch with people you love [21.]crumbs in my bed [22.]the selfish [23.]summer [24.]being alone [25.]hear.say [26.]children that are about 12 to 15 [27.]listening to emotional tunes when you are already more emotional then a sorority on the rag [28.]being a janitor/secretary/mother to other people [29.]cat claws [30.]unlabeled cds [31.]text messages [32.]concept of time, calenders and money [33.]SCENEry [34.]bad jokes [35.]MAKOS [36.]people that only posses one good ear [37.]losers with private profiles - youre really NOT that interesting [38.]lack of funds
.[most loved].
[1.]smoking [2.]dancing [3.] fighting [4.]drinking [5.]salad [6.]jerry springer
[7.]the word cunt [8.]real people [9.]halloween [10.]being famous [11.]rats [12.]being a bartender [13.]food commercials [14.]messanger boys [15.]philadelphia [16.]soundtrack to my life [17.] semi.automatic weapons [18.]being the blondest [19.]1980-1989 [20.]pineapple [21.]diners [22.]phrases i make up - for serious [23.]gay guys [24.]sex and the city [25.]snow [26.]my tattoo [27.]inside jokes [28.]brass knuckles [29.]crows - RAHJ! [30.]silence [31.]comic books [32.]lemon halves and ice water [33.]x.mas lights [34.]white trash [35.]organization [36.]being alone [37.]my max [38.]getting my life back together [39.]the color on the tiffanys box - russ's old room [40.]monoply till 4 a.m. [41.]norma jean ... dont talk to me unless you really know what this is [42.]que balls and monday night pool tournaments
a bitchy brunette and a sassy gay guy who make fun of people who cant dress.
i dont listen to music. i live a horrible miserable life. .
anything that is aestically/physcologicly pleasing. blood guts and gore. violence and weapons. tarantino.
i want my own t.v. show.
women that are a mess that changed their generation.