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I am here for Friends

About Me

im a 24 year old male. nice hamster #420 i like it. equipped with quads lolim offical head mexican and soon to be doin nothing kuz life is good!!!!!!!!!! i live in bound brook nj originally from south plainfield and u kno wut happens sp kids are the rowdy partiers. my friends kall me hamster, well let me rephrase that the entire world kalls me hamster. nething green is my friend, i have EIGHT tattoos now! ( i balance) and i have a bunch of piercings, .i like to snowboard in the winter and surf in the summer (when i aint getting hooked by fishermen in the middle of the ocean)<---ull have to ask aim sn if thats easier is intensetree .. feel free to im me on that..... blah blah blah all work n no play make hamster a rich man all play n no work make hamster a poor poor kid... im always up for a nite trip to AC i love blackjack lol.. finally found that one girl who makes me smile and helps me feel complete..her names chiara
click HERE to see what kinda druggie you are!I'm from New Jersey. I curse a lot. I say yo. I say it often. I sure as hell don't pump my own gas. I know what real pizza tastes like & I know that getting a pie means pizza, not apple or cherry.. All good nights end at a diner - preferably w/ cheese fries. All parties end with a fight. It's a hoagie, not a grinder, a sub, or worse, a hero. I don't go to the beach - I go down the shore. I judge people by what exit they are off the parkway. I know 65mph really means 80. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finger & accept it. I'm from New Jersey and I fucking love it...
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MyHeritage : Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
BoB MarLey, willy wonka, my klone and the guy who invented acid o yea! (Albert Hofmann by the way) i found that out the other kan lsd be bad if the first guy to ever trip is now 100 years old and still a world renowned chemist

My Blog


so tomorrow well technically today is my last day of work for eleven weeks o yea... i get paid to do nothing hahahahahahahaha i love me.... i also love doing things so hit me up i have lots of free ti...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:59:00 GMT


if this is how the new year is goin to be please kill me now....
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:08:00 GMT


yo wut??? how do i get kicked outta deko???  r u kidding me??? that kid shoulda stood up for himself i only wanted to fight him a lil bit lol hahahahahahhahahahahahha..............thanks friend t...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:19:00 GMT


the new record we achieved was 6 feet 9 inches!
Posted by on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 22:41:00 GMT


so a friend of my boss's soon to be wife was in a car crash in texas her car was hit by a drunk driver. The COPS pronounced her dead at the scene then went and tended to the other people. Later on whe...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:41:00 GMT

listen up

life sux when u kant smile and be truly happy for more than five minutes at a time
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 19:42:00 GMT


booooooooooo life everyone sux fuck christmas i hate this time of year....
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 20:21:00 GMT


booooooooooo life everyone sux fuck christmas i hate this time of year....
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 20:21:00 GMT


its 215am n i have work in a few hours n yet i cant go to sleep.....i must say saturday will def be interestin...i like smiling its the little things that make life... its gods inhancers that make lif...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 23:14:00 GMT


so life any more curve balls thrown my way and i might just have to stop playing
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:28:00 GMT