RIP Dad&Sis [God is kissing u, I am missing u] profile picture

RIP Dad&Sis [God is kissing u, I am missing u]

Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample th

About Me

I'm a Husband, a Father, and a military member.
Take My Quiz
Let......'s start with something easy...What......'s my favorite meal.
A) Lumpia and fried rice
B) Steak and potatos
C) Everything is yummy for da tummy
That was pretty easy, but how about this...What would I do if u smacked me on the face?
A) Turn the other cheek and let you hit me again. Praying: Lord, give me strength...
B) Yell at you and hope u don......'t do it again so I won......'t have to choke the crap out of u! (I......'m serious)
C) Give u about 2 mins to find a way to make a joke out of it so we can all start laughing together. :D
Hey, ur doin great. Now try these last two questions...What makes me happy?
B) Spending time with mi familia
C) to rid the world of MYSPACE.
And now... for the ULTIMATE QUESTION OF THE DAY...If I were granted one wish, what would it be?
A) For my family to all get along and live prosperous and successful lives.
B) To Be more like Jesus
C) To have a neverending source of cash that would pay all my bills and make my family set forever
Make a Quiz for Your Profile!

My Interests

Hanging out with the family, Laughing with my kids, Restaurants, Checking my kid's Myspace.

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Where's my Friend ID?My apologies to all, but it is not my purpose to meet new friends on this website. Short and sweet, I joined myspace to keep tabs on my kids. It's not a secret. My kids know it and it also affords us an extra avenue to communicate to others and each other. However, I am receptive to any and all comments concerning my profile. Generally, I will even attempt to respond to your comments. Thank you for those who understand and for those who don't, my apologies. Have a Blessed Day!


Genius Of Love (Long Version) by Tom Tom ClubGospel, Contemporary Gospel, Old School, R&B, Sade


Baby Got Book (

Dan "Southpaw" Smith's parody of "Baby Got Back" as seen on VH1's Comedy, Action, Anything but Horror.


Smallville, Simpsons, Family Guy, News, ESPN


Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastics, Matthew, Galations, slowly moving on to the rest.


Jesus, Superman, My Dad, My Mom.

My Blog

todays truth

what good is respect if u can't respec ur self? lookin 4 luv? no 1's gonna luv u if u don't respect urself first. the rat race is useless. Ecclesiatics is the best thing i've ever read....
Posted by THE UNDISPUTED TRUTH on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 11:17:00 PST