lovE to dancE( sounds silly)but still my all timE fav. past timE!Shopping is essEntial..I lovE to bE knowlEdgable about changing's important, wEll @ lEast to mE.
PamEla AndErson is dEfinEtly prEtty hot,maYbE her
ThE music you lovE says so much. Or whEther or not you'rE evEn passionatE about music. I'm not ashamed to say that I am an "old skool" child--I love music w/ pianos--Tori Amos, Alicia Keys, Fiona ApplE, Bjork.
I LOve sIlLy mOvIeS likE Old SkOol-Sounds StUpid But I stIll fuckn CrAck Up!
Will & GracE is my show...whEn I grow up I want to bE just likE karEn!!
I'm kind of a junk-E for sElf-help, motivational books. I lovE anything to do with fashion & intErior design. LovE making books are always a favoritE {hEy you'vE gotta keEp it spicy!}
Of course Marilyn MonroE--who could disagree? My mothEr most of all! Any self-sufficEnt,motivatEd,intElligent,sExy womEn are a grEat inspiration to mE.