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listen but there is no sound,
I speak but there are no words
I look out the window as I watch you leave
My heart broken, my soul empty
you take my essence with you
I reach out to touch you but you walk away
I beg you to stay but you dont
How do i make you stay?
Am I to forget my being that makes me who I am
Recreate myself to fit into your world, your ideals, and your image?
Or should I just follow in your shadow and never shine in the light myself?
Am i truely misguided in this path we have chosen
or is it an illusion I have created in a fantasy world of my own
Do I create unreachable ideals that I see in you
Only to dissapoint myself when you dont reach them
Do I expect too much from the people I love
Or have my own ideals overshadowed the reality that is you?
Romantic |||||||||||||| 56%
Avoidant || 10%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||||| 30%
Change averse |||||| 23%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50%
Individuality |||||||||||||| 56%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 43%
Peter pan complex |||||| 30%
Physical security |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical Fitness |||||| 30%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 43%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 63%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
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