Trains and boats and bicycles. Traveling for free and making stuff. Avoiding and subverting our capitalist system. Staying on your couch and at your beach house. Brooklyn and Portland. Power tools. Revolutionary architecture. Treehouses. Beer. Plaid shorts and silly hats.
People who know about bicycle-powered paddle wheels. Fellow unlicensed gynecologists. Queer woodworkers. Train hoppers. Pirates. Gowanus-lovers and boat-livers. Poop composters. Rain water collecters. But not in a hippy way.Austinites.
Lou Reed, The Stooges, Sleater-Kinney, The Be Good Tanyas, Dolly, Nick Drake, Le Tigre,Francoise Hardy, old blues, sad songs and most stuff that is really really gay
Sadie Benning, An Angel at my table, The Ballad of Jack and Rose, City of Lost Children, Gremlins, River's Edge, Amelie, The Journey of Nattie Gann.
Lost, Six Feet Under, Battlestar, Freaks and Geeks
The Lord of the Rings, A Wrinkle in Time, The Sound and the Fury, The Golden Compass, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, The Way Things Work, Written on the Body, Blindness, The Name of the Rose, Books about sailors or cowboys
Natty Gann. Camp Counselors.
Married to the sea
Portland, Oregon
Little Bee