drunken vs sober recording, thinking up gay names for my friend's boat, eating media, listening to awesome radio, making awesome radio, learning Spanish once and for all, enjoying a room with my bed next to my desk, not on top of it, trying to stretch my weary body, remembering and recording my dreams, reading and wriitng, loving my friends, testing my hypothesis, living the dream, being off the cuff and on the fly, planning trips: Papua New Guinea, Cuba, Finland...
I don't play favorites with movies, but here are some I like: The Graduate, Amelie, Eternal Sunshine, most Lynch, most Almodovar, most Kaufman (except Adaptation), most Jarmusch, City of God, Vertigo, early Steve Martin movies like the Jerk and LA Story, the Fisher King, Taxi Driver, Life of Brian, Paris, Texas, Brazil, Heathers, Easy Rider, and more... Documentaries: Gimme Shelter, Grizzly Man, Gates of Heaven...
Coming soon to my new room, a bookshelf with the likes of: Cat's Cradle, Rebel Angels, Master & Margarita, Under the Volcano, Pedro Paramo, Narnia, anything Sherlock Holmes, Story of O, The Great Gatsby, Plath, Simic, Freud, Hemingway, Orwell, Wolfe, Nabokov, Margaret Atwood, (non fiction: Virginia Woolf, Richard Wright, Joan Didion, Truman Capote, Studs terkel, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men) and more!!! I can't wait.