Beauty of form affects the mind, but then it must not be the mere shell that we admire, but the thought that this shell is only the beautiful case adjusted to the shape and value of a still more beautiful pearl within.~The perfection of outward loveliness is the soul shining through its crystalline covering. Jane Porter
People who change minds, take chances, turn heads, listen....People who remember, pause, make an effort, laugh.....People who are unique, irreplaceable and real.
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Paula Abdul Norah Jones Fleetwood Mac Coldplay John Legend Pussycat Dolls Jamie Foxx Mariah Carey Celine Dion Sting James Blunt Fleetwood Mac Natalie Bedingfield Fallout Boys Shania Twain Acceptance Pink
Anything with comedy like Superbad.
American Idol.
My most favorite...."The Forming of a Pearl"... written by my grandmother. All of the Dannielle Steele's books. "The Precious Present" and The Shack"...
My children.............they are my joy....the loves of my life......and of course my family and friends.