Profile Generator
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 5'9"
Favorite Color:: Green and Lavender
Screen Name:: J Lyn
Your Present Town:: J Lyn's Oasis
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Danced in a public place?: Always
Smiled for no reason?: mhh hmmm--see I'm smiling now = :)
Laughed so hard you cried?: Many times
Sang to someone for no reason?: But of course :)
Performed on a stage?: Between Dance Performances, Choreography, Teaching, Fashion/Runway Shows, and Go-Go Dancing you can find me or my presence on stage at least once a week
Been in love?: Once with myself ;-)
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: 30 seconds ago
Movie you watched?: I can't remember--I don't get a chance to watch many movies...
Drink you've had?: Mhhh, water!
Food you've eaten?: Something nutritious and tasty :)
* . . Can You . . *
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ...?? LOL--mental picture! Umm, I don't think I understand the question, lol!
Dance?: Check me out at my next performance and see for yourself ;-)
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: I can but you wouldn't want me to lol
Speak a different language?: Si--pero solomente un poco Espanol
Cook anything?: Anything your heart desires...
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were ...: living in New York I would dance with Luam, Rhapsody and Bill T. Jones ALL day long
I wish ...: I were in Cuba dancing!
I am ...: obsessed with MySpace so I must stop this survey ;-)
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