There isn't really much to say. I enjoy making new kinds of music with all different kinds of musicians. Party on.
"These songs tend to be very personal due to their nature. What I describe is my personal interpretation. You may listen to the songs and hear something vastly different. That is part of what makes Intelligent Dance Music(IDM) as magic as it is. Some of the songs go far beyond description, taking root in basic elemental emotions and thought patterns. You don't always realize what you are feeling, they are that deep, all you know is the overwhelming senses that arrive. I am very rarely reminded of subject matters, but instead the emotions around the subject matters. For instance, some songs stimulate a profound sense of nostalgia, but for nothing in particular. There is no nostalgic object, just the feeling. Feelings, stripped away from objects like this, in potent amounts can brings tears to your eyes, and smiles to your lips. Never before have I found music with such raw power, hidden under such delicate beauty.Disclaimers and words of caution are necessary however. To many, especially those who do not have a liking for electronic music, IDM sounds like pure noise. The rules of music are often broken. Sometimes harmony is lost, beat can become random. In short, it is much like beer. If you don't like beer, you'll never understand it, and for you that is Okay. If you love beer, you'll be able to detect nuances in each of the different brewing processes, and enjoy the subtle differences in various country's beers." - ?