Myspace Quotes
Myspace Quotes
Get More at COMMENTYOU.comIf I sent you a Friend Request, don't email me asking me "why" I did, or how I found you. More than likely, I found you interesting, attractive, or saw that we have something in common. If you have to have me explain my motives, then don't bother adding me, because I won't bother answering. I'm not a bitch.... well maybe a sexy one ;), just a girl who knows her mind and what she wants. And please, to all the playas that think the "you're so hot" line is a creative way to begin a conversation... stay away. I'm not in the mood. :)
I'm only interested in people that are interesting... friends that can enjoy a moment of laughter... uncomplicated... I like to meet people that can make me laugh, that are dependable... and always follow through with their word... honest as I'm nothing but honest... Mu'fuckin' playas need not apply.
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Get More at COMMENTYOU.comHip Hop, Rap, DnB, some new rock and always the classics.. that encompasses everything EXCEPT country... so I'm into or willing to listen to just about anything.
Pirates of the Carribean (1&2), Grease, Can't Hardly Wait, Dirty Dancing, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, Failure to Launch, Shanghai Noon (and Nights), Wedding Crashers, etc.
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I know I know, don't laugh but I am in lOVE with Lost! I'm addicted to the show and I can't turn around from here! I watch Laguna Beach, Real World, King of Queens, all this is assuming I have time to sit on my ass and watch! (Although I admit to making a point to be there for my favorites!) Otherwise, thank God for Tivo!
I don't read, I write... romance is my avenue.
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My mom will always be my hero! Always! She has proven time after time to be the one and only person I can count on! She's the greatest and she gives me hope to make it through to another day! Oh if only I could be as strong as she is!