Travel. Travel. Travel. Reading all kinds of stuff (fiction, non-fiction, comic books, etc), Politics, Art, Climate Change (we are not calling it Global Warming anymore), Deep-Sea Fishing, Jogging, going to the Gym, Billiards, the occassional Bar-Hopping. Drawing and Writing, when I'm motivated. I've got a novel or a screenplay in me somewhere. Urban planning (or, learning to avert impending disasters). Oh yeah, LIVING CAR-FREE.
Anyone who is smart, fun, and interesting. And Eva Green (I'm sure that she has those qualities, but even if she didn't).
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I have no TV! However, I do sometimes sneak into friends houses to watch Daily Show and Colbert Report, and reruns of Seinfeld and any L&O. I've also become addicted to LOST through the DVDs.
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Stitch, Teddy Roosevelt, Ernest Hemingway, John McCain, John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Batman, Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, George Carlin, Hunter S. Thompson, Patton, Howard Hughes (yes, a nut, but a hell of a nut), Christopher Hitchens