hiiiii :) im sharon, im 23, and im from bloomfield. i work in montclair and i also spend a lot of my free time in montclair bc i love it. i just graduated from Montclair State University and am currently applying to grad schools to get into a school psychology program...what a pain that is!!! the whole process is crazy and i feel like i have less direction now than i did before i started college. i work as an assistant with children with autism. i absolutely love my job and the people i work with. my students are the greatest! i love working out at nysc with my girlies...spinning and kickboxing are the best!!! :) i love to analyze people and situations. i analyze myself constantly. i never sit still-i constantly fidgit. im extremely organized. i have obsessive compulsive disorder. im always anxious, yet im usually told that i seem calm. i constantly make lists...shopping lists, to-do lists...i love them. i hate rudeness. saying "please" and "thank you" are vital. i love my family and friends more than anything and id do anything for them. i love the beach and everything that goes along with it. i want a shore house. i want to be a surfer and i think im supposed to live in california bc i love the lifestyle-but im a family girl, so id never leave jersey. plus, im a bit of a jersey girl anyway :) abercrombie and hollister are my 2 favorite stores. i love to shop. i love hoodies and flip flops and wearing them together with a cute pair of ripped jeans is the best thing ever. i love bobbi brown makeup. i love jewelry. i love getting my hair done. i love to go out and have fun and i absolutely love to party!!! i love vacations even tho i always get nervous before i go on them. i love learning. i love to talk and i love to laugh. i love bon jovi. i love the benjamins. pictures are amazing-"the good thing about pictures is that they never change...only the people in them do" i love guys who can dance...with class...(grinding and being disgusting on the dance floor do not count). i love boys who wear abercrombie and hollister and i love it even more if they wear fierce. i love to be silly, im happy most of the time and im often told that im "bubbly." i'm a spoiled brat. i like to get my way. i love to be outside. i love starbucks decaf skim green tea lattes and pumpkin spice lattes. bath and body works' coconut lime verbenda scent is amazing...so is hollister's malaia. im basically loving life right now and i think that you need to do things that make u happy...life's about taking chances.*As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back...*..."A wise girl kisses but doesnt love...listens but doesnt believe...and leaves before she is left""Excellence can be obtained if you: ...care more than others think is wise; ...risk more than others think is safe; ...dream more than others think is practical; ...expect more than others think is possible"my screen name is abercr0mbiechicc...the 0 is a zero.