Ice and roller hockey, working out, hanging out with friends, tv, reading, driving around, movies, whatever sounds fun at the time.... Here's a short video of me, Bryan, and Steve goofing around at the rink...
Ales Hemsky - One of the most talented players in the world
Eve 6, Sum41, Saosin, Alkaline Trio, Relient K, Panic! At The Disco, Chevelle, Weezer, A Simple Plan, Something Corporate, Keane, New Found Glory,Thrice, Greenday, Korn, AFI, Coheed and Cambria, Jimmy Eat World, Offspring, MXPX, Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Prodigy, The Audition, Yellowcard, Nirvana, The Ataris, Letter Kills, American Hi - Fi, Adema, AC DC, Thursday, The Darkness, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Bloc Party, Rave, House, Rap, 80's
Name Michael
Birthday January 30
Hair Dirty blonde
Eye Green
Height 5'8
Left/Right Handed Both
Sing? No
Dance? No
play a musical instrament No
play a sport Hockey
What color is your room? Grey
favorite color Red
favorite number 89
favorite letter M
favorite movie The Empire Strikes Back
favorite song Plush - Stone Temple Pilots
favorite cd Eve6 - Horrorscope
favorite animal Wolf
favorite band Sum41
favorite music type Techno or Rock
favorite car Nissan 300 ZX
favorite season Winter
favorite food Pizza
long or short hair? Short
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Sugar or Salt Salt
Coke or Pepsi ( if you pick pepsi you fucking suck) Coke
Black or White White
Cat or Dog Dog
Yankees or Boston Neither
Stripes or Polka Dots Neither
Hearts or Stars Stars
Last thing you ate Pasta
Bed time Whenever i feel like it
Alien or Predator Predator
Place you most wanna visit Edmonton
Tea or Coffee Coffee
Fast food? Burger King
Favorite pizza Xtra cheese
Fruits or Veggetables Fruits
favorite store Abercrombie and Fitch
Tupac or Biggie Biggie
Video game NHL '07
smoke? No
What Shampoo and Conditioner do you use Whatever is in there at the time
Rain or Shine Shine
Day or Night Night
do you like school? Nah
do you think your attractive Sometimes
Buz or Woody Buz
Ourdoors or Indoors Outdoors
Something you regreat Hmmm...
Someone you love My nephew
Something you hate Waking up early
Do you think you have a good fashion ( if you shop in holister abercrombie or buy anything other then pants from AE the answer is NOOOOO) Yah
Ideal Boy/Girl
Hair Color Blonde or brunette
Eye Color Any
Style T-shirt and jeans, sweats, tank tops, etc
Taller or Shorter then you ? Shorter
Smart? Yes
More or less attractive then you? More
Rich? Doesn't matter
most important personality trait Won't take me for granted..
Random Questions
what did you wear today AnF jeans and shirt, NB sneakers, boxers
last time you blew your nose Last week
last time you showered Today
do you read? Yes
do you like your life? Yes
whats one thing you wish you had ? Oodles of noodles of money...
do you like oreos Yes
have a good day or a bad day today? Good
one word you say alot "True"
do you have a screename Yah, inquire within if interested...
what is it ? See above response...
do you go online for more then 2 hours a day My comp is on all day...
do you come off as a bitch or asshole ? Neither
are you nice to most people ? Yup
do you talk about people alot Yup
do most people dislike you ? I don't think so...
if so is the reason cause your better looking then them? I highly doubt it...
what was the last thing you watched on tv? Music video
are you having fun? Now? I guess...
do you like anwsering questions about yourself? Yes
whos your idol? Ales Hemsky
do you wish you could fly/readpeoplesminds/be invisible ? Read people's mind
do you like cheese? A select few
Youngblood, Saving Private Ryan, Fast and Furious, The Empire Strikes Back, Lord Of The Rings, The Thin Red Line, Slapshot, Half Baked, Not Another Teen Movie, Oceans 11, Scarface, Mystic River, Mystery Alaska, Mean Girls, Indiana Jones Happy Birthday to ME!!
South Park, Simpsons, NHL2night, Chapelle's Show, OC, North Shore, Real World, Road Rules
You Have A Type B+ Personality
You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.
While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions
Create your own Friend Quiz here
Probably the best video of a prairie dog you'll ever see..