Established as a band of young metalheads back in 1996, Absence left their first mark in the local scene of Arnsberg, Germany, until most band members moved to Dortmund by the turn of the millenium. Replenishing their weakened ranks with musicians from around their new home, the band soon started to assume a more aggressive and professional approach to metal music. While still heavily influenced by acts that delivered them into evil in the first place, the band discovered both swedish death metal and bay area thrash as their new optimum playground.
While releasing a number of free demos among the metal scene in 2004 and 2005, Absence not only extended their live activities but also started recording their very first album. This self-produced album, a mind-staggering blend of the virtuosity of Soilwork or In Flames and the aggressive thrash appeal of Testament and the likes, represents the band's first entry into their discography and it is a culmination of almost three years of work.
The Decomposition Process contains eleven bleak and hateful anthems about the corrupted state this world is in, with tunes ranging from groovy and melodic midtempo to insane thrash attacks that leave nothing but scorched earth.
Here's the final tracklist:
01. The Better Truth (full version available here on myspace)
02. For The End Is Yet To Come
03. Godmode On
04. Symbols Of Decay (full version available here)
05. The Outcome
07. Dead Reckoning (full version available here)
08. Mindbreaker
09. Torrent Of Hatred Pt. I
10. Open Wound
11. The Media
running time: approx. 43 min.
The Decomposition Process is out on Yonah Records and distributed by Alive.
Dead Reckoning
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