accents × adventure × alone time × art × authenticity × bad ass attitudes × bagels with cream cheese × baltimore city × being asked questions × being intrigued × beta fish × bohemianism × books × burlesque × carole helman × cat fights × charisma × chewy runts × coffee shops × coloring books × commiserating × conversations × creativity × cuddling × culture × donald duck × downtown × dunkin donuts × equality × evolotion × exterior decorating × fortune cookies × free-styling × fresca × gaudy accessories × grape ice cream × history × honesty × hookah bars × humor × individuality × intellectuals × interior decorating × ipod × jenn windsor the millionaire × jerking off × jesus christo × journalism × ketchup × kisses × knitting × knives × life stories × love letters × luck × lumbee × lyrics × masturbation × mix cds × mmf × moaning × mysterious × native americans × nature × nostalgia × open mindedness × organization × photo booths × photography × pirates × pretending to be rich × pro-choice × puppets × quotes × reality × relationships × retro × rhine × road trips × romance × sexuality × singing × song writing × soul × style × super fresh × surprises × talent × tattoos × thrifting × travel writing × useless information × villains × vintage porn × wine × yiddish × zelda × ?
i like a wide variety of people, but i would like to meet someone that's so rad without being too radical, some kind of talent is a must, seems 'straight but isn't', can knock me off my soap box from time to time, make me laugh so hard that i cry, and that can get this old ticker beating again.
Jeff Buckley
Lisa Marie Presley
Billie Holiday
Amy Winehouse
more coming soon
i mainly turn on the television just to watch current events on the news. once in a blue moon i'll actually get off the computer and watch some half bit reality show or something involving C and D list celebrities, and it will only intrigue me for about 15 minutes. although i wish i watched the discovery channel more often.
the canonical OZ books series and other such books from l. frank baum, john r neil, and ruth plumly thompson. i like to read children NOVELS, and not that harry potter bullshit either, i'm talking about mother fuckin' classics! other than that, i honestly don't read much anymore. we buy these books thinking we buy the time to read them, but it's just not true.
i'm inspired and motivated by Marlon Brando & James Dean; thee original rebels/punks of the 1950's. without them being in the lime-light and have became such rolemodels; there would not be any heath ledgers or jake gyllenhaals in these days! their lives both on and off the siliver screen have amazed me and strived for me to become someone of my own... i would have never found my own classic take no shit attitude & style.