Being a total stuck in the 80's fool, Howard Stern Show, Bubba the Love Sponge, reading, shopping for anything and everything, watching the same movies over and over because they're funny, tanning, checking out new bands, working out like a madman, daydreaming, fawning over cute animals, making myself laugh, all types of ill shit...
Almost anything released in the 80's. Hair bands...the bigger the hair, the better the band. Loud, hard metal, New wave, industrial, synth...anything that sounds good loud on a hot summer's day in my car with the windows rolled down.
Wayne's World, Napoleon Dynamite, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Anchorman, Bad Santa, 40 Year Old Virgin, Decline of Western Civilization: The Metal Years, THE RINGER!!!...pretty much anything I can laugh at and not have to pay too much attention to
Simpsons, Apprentice, Rescue Me, Family Guy, Hell's Kitchen, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, The Office, Degrassi, reruns of Jackass, any shows involving cooking or weddings
Like Water for Chocolate, Breakfast of Champions, anything by Shakespeare
Gertrude Y. Baer - We all miss you, Grandma!!! Love you!