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My Interests

Politics, Forensics, Sports, Movies, Travel, Sharks...


Depeche Mode, Social Distortion, Fiona Apple, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin,Artic Monkeys,Amy Winehouse,Lily Allen, Johnny Cash, No Doubt, PJ Harvey, Coldplay, Interpol, Bjork, Audioslave, Violent Femmes, Nine Inch Nails, Oasis, Tori Amos, Green Day, Portishead, The Like, Nightmare about You, Poe, The Cure...


Godfather, Godfather II, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Miller's Crossing, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, The Goodfellas, Jaws, Usual Suspects, A Clockwork Orange, Fargo, Citizen Kane, La Dolce Vita, Rushmore, Shawshank Redemption, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Seven, The Insider, The Apartment, Animal Crackers, Children of Men, Casino, Evil...


The Simpsons, Family Guy, THe Closer, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Cold Case Files with Bill Kurtis, American Justice with Bill Kurtis, Life on Mars , South Park, Law & Order (Original),The Office (British and best version)...


"The Monk", "The Anatomy of A Motive","Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them", Shakespeare, "Hell House", "The Witching Hour"...


Those who choose to confront their fears and question everything, especially one's own beliefs.