Carrie LaChance profile picture

Carrie LaChance


About Me

Sexy & Sophisticated"Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people can't resist telling others about you." - Walt Disney
It's official... I'm opening up my very own official website

Put me on your TOP friends List [email protected] guys and gals! Thanks for visiting my page! My name is Carrie LaChance. I'm a Pin-Up model living in the state of Maine making my dreams come true ;-) I am a very friendly and compassionate person, my Family, friends, God and of course my job are the most important things in my life.If you haven't already heard, I'm opening up my very own official website It will be up and running very very soon!! My husband and I are the founders of our company ArchEnemys Inc. I am the spokesmodel and the main ArchAngel for our company and website We are so thankful to have such supporting friends and family, and to have such a great team of models to work with to make our company grow.Modeling is who I am, it's what I do 24/7 I absolutly LOVE IT! I love gettin' all dressed up sexy, heels & all, you know... representing ArchEnemys style! It's my all time favorite thing to do.I get a lot of messages, so please be patient and try to understand I can not respond to everyone. To see more of my sexy photos and videos go to...

Carrie Marie LaChance

My Interests

Things I loveMy Husband Nathaniel, My Family, My Friends,, Modeling, Happy, God, life, working out, breakdancing, dressing up, tanning, going out to eat, Stilettos, late night talks, sunglasses, gum, Victoria Secret, Lingerie, hair, Cosmetology, Latex Clothing, Decorating, pin-up, Computer Graphics, Photography, Videography, Jessica Alba, Maxim, FHM, Cosmo., watching movies, sleeping in, chips, pickles, my cell phone, Long hair, candy, shopping, acrylic nails, pedicures, my puppy dog Bailey and Kitty Princess Cali!!

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba, Tyra Banks, Vin Dieasel, Jennifer Garnier, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Kristin Kreuk, cast from Smallville, cast from Firefly, cast from Dark Angel.ArchEnemys Channel 13 Story! Check it out BelowBasketball hotties Carrie and Ashlyn


Basically everything but mainly Techno, Hip-hop, R&B, etc.


Dark Angel, Alias, SmallVille, Georgia Rule, Honey, King Kong, Milo and Otis (classic), Crash and The Notebook, The Eye, The Bucket List, The Girls Next Door,


My Daddy & Mommy, and My Amazing Husband/Best Friend Nathaniel

My Blog

My New Website

Hi, So, if you haven't already heard from my previous posts, I've opened up my own official website Just keeping everyone updated on the progress of my new upcoming site Today ...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:57:00 PST

It’s My Birthday!! I’m 23

Thank you to everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday!!  I had a great day, and I am proud to announce that.... I'm opening my very own official website you can chec...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:09:00 PST

check this out - fun stuff to see

Just some fun stuff ;-) check it out See me on FHM's Site Short Movie I was in Trailer Trash Latex Fashion Show with me and some other ArchEnemys ladies News Report From our retail store Max...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:57:00 PST

OMG read this!!

Aspartame Side Effects  Aspartame is in almost every "sugar free" product The components of aspartame can lead to a number of health problems, as you have read. Side effects can occur gradually,...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 06:19:00 PST

Two Wheel Tuner Mag.

Voting has ended.  THANK YOU to everyone who voted for me!! We should know soon       CLICK To Go To The Website...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 01:14:00 PST

ArchEnemys In The News etc.

MAIN MADE... PORN?  Lucas ColavecchioNews 13 WGMENovember 8, 2007 WGME_maine_madeDownload This StoryArchEnemys proves that sexy does sell in...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:42:00 PST

Im an AUNTIE again

I'm once again a proud aunt!! Little Jaiden was born on Jan. 1st 2008 BABY NEW YEAR!!  I'm so happy for my sister Laura and her husband!! LOVE YOU Here is a pic.!! ...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 12:29:00 PST

Tuner Girl Of The Year - VOTE NOW!

Hey everyone!! As some of you already know ArchAngel Carrie was on the Cover of 2 Wheel Tuner Magazine last January.  They are having a contest right now for Tuner Girl of the Year and she would...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:08:00 PST

A little thankyou - All about me

Over the past few years I have been incredibly lucky and truly blessed in many ways.  To mention a few&. First off, I have the worlds best, most caring, loving, compassionate, honest husband a g...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:59:00 PST

ARCHENEMYS in the NEWS TONIGHT thurs. nov. 8th @ 11pm channel 13 WGME

Watch The News Clip hereArchEnemys in the NEWS again!  Gotta see itGO TO TO SEE THE PROMO!!!Ok, so here's the Dealio&  WGME Channel 13 came up a few weeks ago and spent the whol...
Posted by Carrie LaChance on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 08:33:00 PST