Staci, my wonderful wife!
Porn, lots of Porn! I have a very strong left arm. No kidding, if you want to arm wrestle me let me know.and yo momma
Play Games
at Shockwave
Anyone that will let me put something in their butt. Jesse Jane, for like 5 mins. really that's all it would take. Allie's true father (blue eyes? come on, really) and last but not least, yo momma
adopt your own virtual pet!
Nirvana;U2;Blue Oyster Cult;yo mommaJedi Trainer 2.2.1
aliens;predator;anything with sharks in it;anything with Jesse Jane in it...hubba hubba and of course yo momma
Mythbusters;dirty jobs;cops;yo momma
My wife/boss make me read Stephen King. No kidding you should see all the burses I have from her twisting my arm! She's a beast!
My Wife, because she saves my ass every day! (she made me say that)