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Nazire Hatun

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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*Merhaba! Well where to begin?
*Name is Nazire. I was born and raised in Turkey Istanbul. I do currently live in U.S.,Rochester.(Although at the moment I am visiting the motherland.)
*Lets see...I am a Pan-Turkist.I love the Turkish food, music, tradition and culture
*But I am open to all ideas and life styles. I respect them all and more than most likely have read the opposite sides work
*I love Politics, Philosohpy, debates, literature and poetry, painting, drawing, Japanese Manga, sports cars speed and music.
*I believe in time and acceptance.
*I am a femminist
*I hate liars and people who plays 1001 acts to get one little thing
*I am a hopeless romantic and very passionate and affectionate...but its different for everybody.
*I dont like generalizing and streo typing. Everybody has unique characteristics in their souls.
*Dont add me unless you send me a message before hand.
*I dont listen to rap and hip pop so dont send me a request either. I wont accept it.

My Blog

Son Defa

Son DefaCiktim bu yokusuBir heves,Son hiz,Bir nefeste.Zakkum cicekleri acmisAkasyalar yollari suslemisSicak yaz teriSogur sirtimdaDenizden gelen poyrazla.Cocuklugumun gectigi sokaklar,Gecmisimde dusle...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:32:00 PST

Path back to the States!

I came back to the states on my own. Which is pretty expected out of me as me being the independent chick that I am...It has good and bad sides...and in this trip I think I realized a few things.Firs...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST

Lil Naz coming back to Rochester

So lil Naz is returning to Rochester on the 12th..Ill be home at midnight so the morning of the 13th!!! The past 6 months of my life I spent here. I dont know whether it was good or bad because I went...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 04:40:00 PST

Ey Kalbim!

Ey Kalbim Bak nas--l sevdin deliler gibi!Gece gunduz onunlayd--nOnunla gozunu gune act--n onunla geceye elveda dedin.Can--m feda ded--n onun --c--n Bogaz--ndan onsuz yemek gecmezdiHer hayalinin temel...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 09:47:00 PST

Ey Kalbim!

Ey Kalbim Bak nas--l sevdin deliler gibi!Gece gunduz onunlayd--nOnunla gozunu gune act--n onunla geceye elveda dedin.Can--m feda ded--n onun --c--n Bogaz--ndan onsuz yemek gecmezdiHer hayalinin temel...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 09:47:00 PST

Gercek Korkum

*****Bu siir Bartu arkadasa aittir!Bartuyla bir gece MSN de gecen diyologlarimizdan esinlenerekten Bartunun yazdigi bir siirdir arkadaslar! Ellrine saglik diyoruz. Krocuk(Bartu): len ada kizi bu siiri...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:23:00 PST


So as you all should know by now I came to Ankara to visit my dear friend Hatice! On monday!!!! Can I say that I had a blast while I was here? Nothing I didnt do while I was here that I can say easily...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:58:00 PST


What up?!?!?!?! So Lil Naz is coming back to the States on the 12th and by the time I reach back home I think its like the 13th or something. It gets rather a little confusing due to the time differ...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 06:54:00 PST

Agla Kalbim Agla

Posted by Nazire Hatun on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:52:00 PST

Bal Rengi Gozlerin

Ada ruzgarlarinda savrulurSu camdan yuregimSebebi bal rengi gozlerinZakkum kokun sarar Ruhumu sikicaToprak rengi teninSahlandirir yuregimiKiraz dudaklarin kanatlandirir kalbimiO derinden gelen sesin b...
Posted by Nazire Hatun on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:49:00 PST