I love to correspond with my fans when I have the time. Thank you for all your support. It is very much appreciated. Becasue I am occasionaly very busy, I rarely respond to messages written to me on this web page. Therefore, please write to my agency if you want any autographs on pictures, ect.
Ewan McGregor
c/o PFD
Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA
It might take awhile, but I will certianly try to respond. Thank you!
Old Shep...
The Philadelphia Story... but I'm terrible at seeing films, I just don't have the time, I'm not alone, as any parent of young children will tell you, it's very difficult to get out. I always live in hope I'll get to see the new ones in the cinema and then just don't see them. There was this questionaire asking what my favourite film was of last year and I couldn't remember having seen any films at all!
My brother Colin who is two years older than me and he is brilliant at everything. He is now a Royal Air Force pilot. He was captain of the cricket and rugby teams. We had this rather archaic system of head boys and prefects at my school. I was in my fourth year - in Scotland we finish school in our sixth year - and my brother had become head boy and brilliant at everything: academia, sports. In fact, all the things I wasn't good at.