my girl, my family, my friends, my dog, my band....watching bad movies, drinking good booze and worshiping great rock n roll
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furry lewis
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THE CLASH - ELVIS PRESLEY - GUN CLUB - POISEN 13 - THE CRAMPS - THE SONICS - LIGHTNIN' SLIM - BOB DYLAN - MUDDY WATERS - HANK WILLIAMS SR. - JOHNNY CASH - X - the BACK FROM THE GRAVE series on crypt - OTIS REDDING - CHUCK BERRY - THE RAMONES (its a given, but i aint tryin to be all that obscure) - RAY CHARLES (especially the early atlantic years) - THE STOOGES - THE POUGES - JR.WELLS - FATS DOMINO -SCREAMIN JAY HAWKINS - THE VELVET UNDERGROUND - THE SAINTS - THEM - JIMMY REED - MC5 (the studio stuff's good, but its the live stuff that just fuckin kills me) - THE ANIMALS - THE WEIRDOS (life of crime & the hideout being personal favorites) - CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL - SKIP JAMES - THE CONTROLLERS - RADIO BIRDMAN - U.K.SUBS - PATSY CLINE (another given, but that womens voice makes me weak in the knees)......this is the stuff thats been on my regular playlist for years, i could go a bit more obscure ,but why? record collectors are just glamorized fuckin treckies and about as cool...i'm fuckin poor and i usually go after the re-issues (cause their cheaper!) and i'm just too fuckin lazy to go hunting down every good single on the nuggets comps (get the idea?). raw primative music apeals to me, and i'll take it in whatever genre it happens to be lumped in, or whatever pressing it happens to is like heroin, as long as i get my fuckin's pretty good.
the exorcist, the loveless, the unheard music, westway to the world, anything with vincent price or boris karloff, the complete bruce lee collection, master of the flying guillotine, clockwork orange, any marylin monroe flicks, the girl cant help it, elvis in 56' documentary....either i stop now, or this list will go on forever......
the twilight zone, the simpsons, anything on the history/science channel that will teach me intersting things that i will never have any practical use for...and...what the fuck ever happened to "movies til dawn" and "kung fu theatre" ?
KURT VONNEGUT & GEORGE ORWELL (personal favorites....anything and everything) - MASTERPEICES OF HORROR AND THE SUPERNATURAL selected by marvin kaye - COMPLETE STORIES AND POEMS OF EDGAR ALLEN POE - THE DARK SIDE tales of terror and the supernatural by GUY DE MAUPASSANT - THE DEVILS OF LOUDUN by aldous huxley - JUST ABOUT ANYTHING BY HUNTER S THOMPSON (never let me - all the cthulhu tales by LOVECRAFT/DERLETH - any collections of ghost /horror short stories (preferably 19th or early 20th century) - OSCAR WILDE (i cant help it..i like the way he gets attached to descriptions and words) - selected short stories of FRANZ KAFKA - mythology/folk tales... true crime...abnormal psychology...this is getting lengthy so i'm gonna stop now
johnny cash, joe strummer and jesus christ