peOpLe, cOmPuTeR gAmezz.. suRfiNg tHe neT..jAmmIn' wiTh othEr feLLoW niGgAs anD friEnDs...
CooL peopLe wiTh pLeAsiNg pErsOnaLiTy, a pErsOn fuLL oF eNergY aNd a SensE oF hUmoR, bEauTifULL cuTe aNd pReTTy!!!mUuAHaha!!!!!
r&b,hiPhoP, poP, sLow jAm, aLterNatiVe, rocK anD jaZZ musiC i LikE tHEm!!!!! mMmmpppp.......
LorD oF tHe riNgs, The rinG, The grUdgE, HoLLowEEn ResUrecTion, ScarY mOviE,The mATrix.. d besT!!!!!
BorN iDenTiTY by roBerT LudLum