playing badmitton, billiards, shooting, mountain hiking, hang-out with friends.. eAting...
r&b, hiphop most especially RoCk..
FiNaL dEsTiNaTiOn, NeVeR bEeN KiSsEd, tHe GrUdGe, sCaRy MoViE, eVeRaFtEr, cOyOtE UgLy, BeAuTiFuL MiNd, gOnE iN 60 sEcOndS, aWaKeNiNgS, S.W.A.T. ... ;p
cHaRmEd, TeMpTaTiOn isLaNd, tHe bAcHeLoReTtE, fEaR FaCtOr, RiPLeY's, sUrViVor, fOr LoVe Or MoNeY, aMeRiCaN iDoL, RuGrAtS, hEy ArNoLd, aRt AtTaCk, mR.bEaN... ;p
slver's spell, and any kind of mag like candy and cosmo...