THE OUTDOORS -- camping, fishing, hiking... Traveling, meeting new people, soft white sheets, good food, random moments with my wonderful friends, watching the news,sexy cowboys, talking to my mom, strawberry ice cream, Hugs & Kisses, a good glass of wine, random spur of the moment trips, thunderstorms, waves crashing in from the ocean, sunsets and summertime, Miranda singing to me :)Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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Like a little bit of country..jazz..blues..southern rock..folk..I appreciate anything that doesn't give me a headache :)
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Anything that can keep my attention!
Today Show, CNN ( is it wrong that I can sit and watch CNN for hours????!) , CMT Top Twenty, Access Hollywood, E! News, Sex & The City, Grey's Anatomy..not sure when I think I have time to watch all this ..except for the news..always have time for that!
Love my mama...