Joes a Zombie profile picture

Joes a Zombie

I am here for Friends

About Me

*Well...friends call me Joe. Im an open minded person, but not so open minded my brains fall out.
*I love hanging out w/ friends, those are the times im happy.
*I like artsy stuff and people, even though I have no artistc talent myself :P
*I definitly believe in doing whatever makes you happy in life.
*I'm a geek. Spelled G double "E" K.
*I like to play "Singstar" with my family for fun lol. Its one of things I have fun doing haha.
*Yes, Im in to politics, dont get me started or I'll begin to rant.
*I have a mind of my own with lots of ideas and thoughts (lol who doesnt but i think you know what Im saying...If not....go away)
*I am a vegetarian.
*I am a political activist and help fight the evil people who want to try and take everything you may have left.
*I listen to different kinds of music: Punk, 80's, alternative, really theres quite a few, I listen to whatever I think sounds good.
*Peace first always but, when someone doesn't want peace, I'll have to peacefully shove my fist down their throat :P
*I like going to shows.
*Futurama, I watch an un-healthy amount of this show. I love the humor, everything about it.
*I like to play around on drums and lay down a few bass lines when I can get my hands on either.
*Im a really nice guy.
*I love to laugh. I watch comedy central & enjoy a lot of stand up comics.
*Im a party goer. When i drink, I DRINK.
*No I dont belive in Jesus Christ.
*So here i am this is me, Im sure I left stuff out but if you really want to know I am.
A quick note, although it does not happen often (but it still does) I do not accept blind friend requests. Please send me a message first.

My Interests

"And when the drums of war
have reached a fevor pitch
and the blood boils with hate
and the mind is closed, the leader
will have no need in seizing the rights
of the citizenry. Rather, the
citizenry infused with fear and
blinded by patriotism, will offer up
all of their rights unto the leader
and do it gladly so.
"How do I know?
I know for this is what I
have done. And I am Caesar."

--Julius Caesar

I love to laugh.
Video Games, Hanging out with
friends, Listening To music, Going
to Concerts, Drinking,

Im going to be going to school for a long time once I start. When I'm finally done I'm going to be a History Professor. I cant wait. Its going to be awesome!

I'd like to meet:

Anybody cool enough to befriend me :] Somebody w/ a high IQ. Somebody who can find humor in almost any situation. Somebody who can put my mind at ease occasionally.

Click here to check out
The San Diego 9/11 Truth Meetup Group!


- Skinny Puppy

- Nine Inch Nails

- Marilyn Manson


- No Doubt

- Rob Zombie

- White Zombie

- Leftover Crack

- Choking Victim

- Citizen Fish

- Subhumans

- Dead Kennedys

- Lard

- Depeche Mode

- Intro5pect

- Combichrist

- Rammstein

- Nirvana

- Terminal Choice

- Ohgr

- Modest Mouse

- The Ramones

- Blanks '77

- Bad Brains

- David Bowie

- The Skulls

- The Ignorant

- Smashing Pumkins

- The Adicts

- London After Midnight

- The Cure

- Apoptygma Berserk

- Hocico

- Blood Hound Gang

- The Infested

- Blitz

- Warren Suicide

- Bound in Oblivion

- Melotron

- Planet Anger

- The Retrosic

- Pig

- Blutengel

- The Sex Pistols

- Saul Williams

- MC Chris

- Dan le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip

- World Inferno Friendship Society

- Ludwig van Beethoven

- New Order

- Joy Division

- Jello Biafra & the Melvins

- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

- + More


- Angela's Ashes
- The Pianst
- Labyrinth
- The War of the Worlds, 1953
- Silent Hill
- Soylent Green
- Beetle Juice
- Red Vs Blue
- Enemy at the Gates
- Natural Born Killers
- Amelie
- Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
- Ghost Busters
- Back to the Future
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1990
- Pan's Labyrinth
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Big Fish
- Edward Scissor Hands
- Falling Down
- Fargo
- Fight Club
- Harry Potter
- Vampire Hunter D
- Legend
- The Salton Sea
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Willow
- From Hell
- Donnie Darko
- Girl Interrupted
- Aimee & Jaguar
- Dracula
- Sleepy Hallow
- Whats Eating Gilbert Grape
- Foxfire
- Nothing But Trouble
- Pink Flamingos
- Female Trouble
- Cecil B. Demented
- Hair Spray, 1988
- Spirited Away
- Indian Jones
- Hot Shots
- Naked Gun
- Across the Universe
- Zeitgeist
- Endgame
- Night of the Living Dead, 1968 & 1990
- Dawn of the Dead, 1978 (although I loved the intro to the 2004 remake)
- Day of the Dead, 1985
- The Dark Crystal
- A Clockwork Orange
- Freeway
- Aeon Flux, Animated DVD set (Not the crappy movie)
- Down Fall
- American History X
- Strange Land
- The Blob, 1958
- Carrie
- V for Vendetta
- The Last King of Scottland
- I, Robot
- Men in Black
- Shaun of the Dead
- Hot Fuzz
- Army of Darkness
- Evil Dead
- Kung Fu Hustle
- Star Wars
- and Many More!


I watch a few shows,Just the episodes of "Scrubs" that are shown on Comedy Central. One Time my little sister was flippin' throught the channels and it landed on a new episode of scrubs that I guess they show on.....what ever fuckin station that it comes on, And it sucked. Its humor was different and it was too dramatic :/Most "Family Guy" some of it can get annoying and stupid really fast. ITS NOT PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!Anything educational, no matter what topic. Gimme history, science, math related, geographical, cultural, animals & astrology. LOVE IT!I love the laughs I get outta "A Daily show with Jon Stewart" and "The Colbert Report" Hilarious.My ALL TIME FAVORITE!! Never gets old, no matter how many times I've seen em'. (Can only be said about this one and only show) Some of the writers have Ph.D's in something nerdy and smart. "In Satan's glorious name." Here it is


I've read a few good ones. Not enough though. Any suggestions?


Krispi K, Jello, Lucas, Lennon, Reznor, Warner, Anybody over the years that has helped me to grow.

My Blog

My Car!

So, I finally have a car! 6 months of saving and finally something to show for my hard work. Here she isThis is how you'll know shes mine!Hooray :D...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:27:00 PST

Lets all laugh at him

Lol ok so last night while I was on, I get this random ass message from some kid I used to see around high school. It was regarding the picture on page "Our leaders are no longer american. Time to wak...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 03:38:00 PST

Stupid CAT!

BLAH! So my sister took in a cat last week. It was pretty cute and cool. I kinda started getting attached to it. Also its pregnant. Shes was a really cute cat, that always started eating when we would...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:44:00 PST

BewareThe CFR

Sovereignty and globalisation Author:  Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations February 17, 2006Project Syndicate The world's 190-plus states now co-ex...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 01:14:00 PST

I dont know. Why is that so scary?

I dont know what "god" is. But I know what it isnt.   I dont be'lie've in christianity. Anybody who does be'lie've in "Jesus" is......stupid? Misinformed? Willfully Ignorant?   Why do peop...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:53:00 PST


I've been wanting to do this for awhile, an Im gonna do it here and now. Just to let off some steam and shit. Id like some feed back. Tell me something or prove me wrong or give me a counter  poi...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:52:00 PST

Hey guys

I've got a few things to say. I dont know how many of you guys read the bulletins that I post about politics, but I'll tell you here I wouldnt post them if I didnt think they were VERY important. Ther...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:17:00 PST


Helgas dead I came home from work and Christina was holding her in a wash cloth. She was still alive but she was having seizures. and she wouldnt stop. and she finally died. She was a great dwarf ham...
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 02:54:00 PST

Has anyone else realized......

..   What do all these men have in common? You tell me....
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:53:00 PST


Its a good thing im about to go to sleep!!!
Posted by Joes a Zombie on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST