Shows,bars and to verious goth/industrial clubs, listen to music, work on art,making clothes.I also do hair and also like movie monsters. Drink coffee and smoking cigs.
I'd like to meet:
Goarge A. Romaro,Betty Page and Bruce Campbell, i figured shit why not. Three of many unque people in this world that are awsome and down to earth. Also it would be nice to know some local peeps in the Portland area.
Hardcore, Goth, Industrial, Black Metal, New Wave, Death Rock, Old Punk, Trip Hop, Dark Wave, Ska, Death Metal
SLC Punk. Clockwork Orange. JU-On: The Grudge. Halloween. Grimlins. The Goonies. The Princess Bride. Interview with a Vampire. Queen of the Damned.The Eye.Boogy Man. Akita. Clerks. Empire Records. DAzed and ConFused. Half Baked. The Fog. King Kong. Vampire . Hellboy The devils Rejects.House of a 1000 Courpses. Japanese Horror movies and thrillers. Hills have Eyes. Labyrinth. Silent Hill.
Beavis and Butthead.Aqua Team Hunger Force.Family Guy. Futurauma. Robot Chicken. HellSing.
Mainly weird graphic novels,comic books,and books on dark history of sorts.
Anne Bonney,one of the coolest female pirates.