God, Drums, Computers, Drums, and Tattoos are interesting.test
Jesus, Buddy Rich (go back in time and what not), there's quite a few. I love meeting people. My SN for AIM is - Drum For Fun19 - later.
Really good bands. And a lil techno for the dancing mood.
Donnie Darko, The Boondock Saints, Dane Cook, Pay Back, The Butterfly Effect, Fight Club, The Secret Window, Tears of the Sun, The Lake House, many more...
NIP TUCK!!! South Park, House MD, The Simpsons, Invader Zim, Family Guy...
Anything teaching drum skills, Subterenean, starwars books, and the Vampire Earth Series
Brian Cook is the shiznick. If you dissagree with me I'll stab you in the jaw.