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keep on keeping on!

About Me

Goapele- Different
I’m lookin at you from a distance,
I'm wondering how all my feelings changed
Do you remember even half the shit we used to do?
Who we used to be?
I wish it was different
All these feelings inside me
And I still believe
clyde: I mean, what is you sayin? (Damn)
And it could be different
You know I miss the butterflies
The look in your eyes I couldn’t change
And it could be different
And now it feels like it's over babe
And it could be different
If you could realize you need to set aside just a little time
And it could be different
I know we can make it better baby
I know I can’t keep livin old memories
What if where this is turning, this isn’t meant to be?
We used to get lifted
And now we crave it so insatiably
And lately I’ve been missing all the little things
Well maybe I got comfortable with the way you would treat me
Hot meals cooked up, the way you would feed me
I’m selfish how could I let my fear defeat me
Scared of something different now I see you complete me
Now hey, I don’t like to argue a bit
Promise I’ll change, if I ain’t gotta hear ya lip
(but if you would listen)
I’m sorry I’m sayin- but you don’t expect
You don’t listen you no different
Save ya breath.
And it could be different
(I know you sayin I should change, throughout time I ain’t the same in my ways)
And it could be different
(I see your feelings start to fade, it’s all my fault huh, ya feelings ain’t the same)
And it could be different
(Ma why is you mad? Acting like everything I do is bad)
And I could be different
(You got some issues too, but face it there ain’t nothing we can’t get through)
You’re high I’m low and jealous distance seems to grab ahold
I miss you so and makin love still feels like comin’ home
We fuss we fight I reunite but then you make it right
You’ll see why I can’t stand the sight of you not in my life
And it could be different
You know I miss the butterflies
The look in your eyes I couldn’t change
And it could be different
And now it feels like its over baby
And it could be different
If you could realize you need to set aside just a little time
And it could be different
I know we can make it better baby
Let’s take it back to the picnics at Tilden, flicks with the children
Talks by the lake dem walks through your building
The feelin of fresh love, can’t dismiss this
I know that you miss it, my permanent Misses
Permanent kisses, from flirtin and wishin
Before all the back and forth huffin and hissin
Hear me and listen I remember our mission
So I’m willin to change if you say that I’m different
And it could be different
(I know you sayin I should change, throughout time I ain’t the same in my ways)
And it could be different
(I see your feelings start to fade, it’s all my fault, huh? feelings ain’t the same)
And it could be different
(Ma why is you mad huh? Acting like everything I do is bad)
And I could be different
(You got some issues too, but listen there ain’t nothing we can’t get through)

My Interests

Cultural History, Activism, T.V., movies, fashion, SHOPPING, other people's drama, people watching, and community evaluating GRADUATION

I'd like to meet:

Someone who knows a WOMAN'S WORTH...


Anything with a tight beat or dope lyrics


50FIRSTDATES!!!!! SERIOUSLY MY MOST FAVORITE MOVIE! Following that would be Serendipity, Wedding Planner, How to lose a guy, goonies, amelie,unfaithful, The life of david gale, battle royale, kill bill,harry potter,requiem of a dream,men of honor, old skool, sixteen candles, oceans eleven,Finding Nemo,Mr. Deeds there's a lot more... too much to mention.


Sex and the City, Friends,Spongebob, Dexter's LAa-BO-tory, Queer Eye, Newlyweds, Real World, American Idol, TOp Model, and i hate to admit it but i religiously watch the OC and Laguna Beach


What to expect when expecting, What to expect th first year, and the book i read to charlise every night... GUESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!


The air I breathe... My STAR... CHARLISE LAROT

My Blog

Don't throw out old books!!!

Books are windows to the world! There are children in the Philippines and even other countries that don't know what else is outside of their barrio or village. Books that we don't read any more should...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 01:14:00 PST

take more pictures...

you can never take enough pictures.  I realized that I haven't been taking enough pictures of charlise. She's grown so much so fast I can't believe she'll almost be a year old.  Where did th...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:28:00 PST

never say never...

Nothing should stop you from acheiving your dreams... even when it seems all hope is gone... you'll feel that it was all worth it no matter what the consequences are. ...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:31:00 PST

ladies night

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Posted by Hiyasmin on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 04:47:00 PST

I thought that this deserved a re-post

On the sixth day... By the time the Lord made woman, he had been working six days straight. He was very tired. An angel appeared before Him and said, "Lord, why are you spending so much time on this o...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:27:00 PST

something guys should know about girls...

HOW TO MAKE THEM SMILE... 26 ways to make a girl smile 1. Tell her she is beautiful. . .not hot!2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.3. Hug her from behind4. Leave h...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Tue, 09 May 2006 10:33:00 PST

A baby shower for Charlise! SD style

The hosts of the party with help from my sister... and excluding Aileen P. we wish you were there with Alec...     What Filipino party is complete without taking a picture of the food... &n...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 12:23:00 PST

Showers in the Bay!!!

here are the pictures from the bay baby showers... Thank you to all the aunties and uncles that helped us celebrate the coming of CHARLISE... I miss you all dearly... We hope to see you when she arriv...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 11:32:00 PST

movie review

AMITYVILLE I don't know if I spelled that right but damn that movie was scary. SERIOUSLY... SCARIEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. I don't even know how to describe it but i was hella screaming and I al...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Still in the Philippines!!!!!

Current date and time... Tuesday Jan.11,2005 10:20 a.m. So I'll be back in cali next monday.... in the mean time Philippines is cool... Im workin on my tagalog skills... hahaha and its kinda nice t...
Posted by Hiyasmin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST