So me? What, who and how am I?
Very well thank you. Haven't got much to say about myself... not that there is much point as it's not like anyone ever reads stuff like this anyway! Everyone (I admit it, I'm guilty of it too) just looks at the pictures. This of course has it's uses.... for me anyway. Sadly it has some negative connotations too, I become just a face and whatever people assume I'm like from my pictures which is irritating. I'm no clone, I'm not like the rest of the idiots. I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it.
I have my shallow moments. It's true... I get upset when I break a nail but I'm not going to write a blog about it! Generally I'm upset because I can no longer tap my nails to show people how irritated I am, or indulge in particular moves in cat fights. I would also like to point out that they have not got the silly square tips... they are fairly pointy and I'll have your eyes out with them! Shallow moment over.
I like Rock music (but you would know that if you took a peek at that part of my 'myspace' page. I prefer comedy films and TV... and my favourite flower is a stargazer lily.
Best quote in the world. (I'm a geek, love Red Dwarf!) ...
Lister:" The world doesn't revolve around you Rimmer"
Cat:"You're damn right! It revolves around ME!"
Lister: "Huh?"
Cat "Well how is it every time something interesting happens to me, I'm in the same room? Coincidence? I don't think so!" ..
I'm not completely self obsessed I promise! I just happen to like that quote..... and me come to think about it! However, narcissism, me? No.
I do have a complaint about people contacting me via this thing......can't people stop calling me 'hunny' (or 'hun' and the rest of the crappy variations) I'm certainly not a 'hunny' in person. I'm not that sweet. While I'm on this 'hunny' (sp?) thing... what's with all the blokes calling girls 'hun' at the moment. What is that? Some originality please people! We seem to be suffering from 'attack of the clones' syndrome at the moment. AARGGGGGGGGGGG
Which leads me on to another thing...My pet hates!
Football, Chavs, Liars (if you do it, you know you're doing something wrong), Karaoke, Fakes, People who take 'Pop Culture' too seriously e.g. People who shorten words unnecessarily ('innit' 'bout' 'ma' 'n e one' (might as well have written the actual word!) ....The whole 'Respect' culture. People who don't take responsibility for their actions. THIEVES (bastards!)
I can be found on similar websites... I have a Faceparty Profile and a Profileheaven Page . I'm on a number of others I never bother to use. Mostly it's ProfileHeaven, we enjoy berating the idiots in the forums (we being me and Kirsty, a.k.a. 'Middelmatig' on there).
Erm...... apart from that..... I can't think of anything else to write! Anything else you want to know just ask (apart from my MSN details.... You can stick it where the sun doesn't shine unless you've actually met me!).