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Odin at once plucked forth an eye and handed it to him saying: "No price is too high to pay for Wisd

About Me

The 9 Noble Virtues, the important values of Heathenry;
1. Courage: It is knowing when to speak and when to remain silent and having the will to act, despite difficulty or fear. It is the first step in learning to live by one's convictions.
2. Discipline: The first and most important building block in the foundation of an honourable life. Discipline is the gift we give to ourselves allowing us to succeed in every aspect of life.
3. Fidelity: Fidelity is long-term commitment, not only to the Gods but to your Folk that walk the path with you and to the ethics which you have chosen to live by. It is the strength that gives one the ability to forbear and means not turning back when the path becomes difficult. Another word might be loyalty.
4. Honour: The condition of one's spirit and the acculation of all the other virtues lived out and lived well. It means doing what is right, even when it is difficult or might bring uncomfortable consequences.
5. Hospitality: It is giving back and not only being courteous but acknowledging Folk as kin. It means you accept that those who approach you within your community are doing so honourably and without any hidden agenda or malicious intent.It gives the benefit of the doubt that all are adhering to the same ethics and values.
6. Industriousness: Striving to develop one's gifts and talents. It is the responsibility to be productive with your knowledge. It is taking pride in doing the smallest task and doing it well.
7. Perseverance: Developing one's will and fortitude. Grasping each difficulty, each failure, each fear, and each pain as a gift , blessing, challenge and opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. It goes hand-in-hand with discipline and means not giving up and keeping to your goals.
8. Self-Reliance: Ridding oneself of any unconcious motivations destroying the barrier of ego and moving past the co-dependency and self-pity that we as a society have been taught. It mean's taking responsibility for one's own actions.
9. Truth: More than simply speaking or doing no falsehood, it means having the courage to walk honourably, despite the difficulties or discomforts.
I am an English Heathen. In that I mean I follow the gods and respect the Ancestors of my blood and land. To me a people over time build up an unbreakable bond with the land they live in, die in, fought for and have defended throughout history. A people are inseperable from the land they live in and can almost hear the call of it.
Christian plague has sought to break our people's bond with the land and so we exploit and use it for material gain. Heathenism to me is about getting back to that bond with the land, taking responsibility for your own actions and knowing that you are one link in the chain of your Ancestors stretching back millenia and striving to make it stretch forward millenia. It is not simply a matter of paying respects to the old gods but of taking charge of your own life, taking responsibility for your own actions, living honourably and by example, being self sufficient in an age of quick fixes and worthless charity handouts. It is not for us to fawn preying before some hateful golden idol as an excuse for inaction and weakness. The loathesome rants of ignorant apocalyptical desert cults have no place in the lush green lands of the North and shall be confined to history.

My Interests

Heathenism, Black Metal, Runes, Nature, History, Warfare, Philosophy, Nietsche, Human Evolution

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I'd like to meet:

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People who don't tie themselves down to any particular system or label themselves- rise above all of that bullshit and evolve beyond the sheep. People who are self reliant and work outside of society's norms.I am NOT interested in anyone who has the even slightest interest in rap "music" or any similar degenerate "urban" culture. If you have an interest in that kind of shit do not add me- we are the gun in your face.

Please have a look at these worthy links.


Black Metal
Heathen Metal
Folk Metal


Cross of Iron, Deer Hunter, Conan the Barbarian, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Throne of Blood, Stalingrad, Das Boot, Lord of the Rings, Big Liebowski, Fargo, Lone Wolf and Cub, Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Descent, Dead Man's Shoes, 13th Warrior, Downfall, Wickerman, Legend, The Proposition, Dog Soldiers, Taxi Driver, Laurel and Hardy films (still funny after all those years).


I view most of the stuff on television nowadays to be relatively worthless and serving little purpose than to domesticate a servile people furthermore into the sheep they are fast becoming.


Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu, Musashi's Book of the Five Rings, Havamal, Robert E Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Nietzsche, Jung, Robert Anton Wilson, Barefoot Doctor, Robin Hobb, Barry Lopez "Of Wolves and Men", Antony Beever (Berlin- The Downfall, Stalingrad, Crete), Monte Cassino- Matthew Parker, Norse "Myths", Beowulf, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, The Eddas, Any Rune books (you can never have too many Rune books) I have been enjoying Peter Rex's books on Hereward, The English Resistance to the Norman Invasion and his biography of King Harold II


Pontius Pilot a man of great vision and duty, Harold Godwinson and all the English who fell with him at Senlac Ridge, Eadric the Wild, Hereward the Wake, Egil Skallagrimsson, King Penda of Mercia. All those who struggle against the odds for their beliefs and folk.

My Blog

Music Stereotypes in the Forces

I was pondering on what kind of people make ideal soldiers. As youth culture plays such an important part in most people's lives and they tend to revert to stereotypes when they get into it, which typ...
Posted by GARMR on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 03:36:00 PST

Death of a Nation

It is pretty much accepted that Britain has lost her way as a nation and that she has lost her sense of identity. There are plenty of articles around this in the media with various solutions from...
Posted by GARMR on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 02:43:00 PST


I happened to be reading Tolkien's The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth the other day when I came upon mention of Ofermod followed by an explanation of the term by the learned Professor which I thought may be...
Posted by GARMR on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 02:59:00 PST

Were there two Norman Invasions?

Paul Hill in his book The Road to Hastings- The Politics of Power in Anglo-Ssaxon England puts forward an interesting idea that there were in fact two Norman/French of England with only the one in 10...
Posted by GARMR on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 05:25:00 PST

Religion as evolution

I believe that religious belief is essentially organic- in that it evolved from folk's experience and interaction with the world around them. It is a direct result of a folk's mental evolution and pla...
Posted by GARMR on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:19:00 PST

Auf Wiedersehn Pet- and good riddance

One good thing about any downturn in the economy is that it may put a stop to or will certainly cut down on the wanton vandalism that urban renewal has been doing to the town centres of England. Alrea...
Posted by GARMR on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 07:51:00 PST

What is the appeal of Loke?

For some reason some people have a bizarre attraction towards the Northern European Loki or Loke. There are plenty of books or cartoons were he gets portrayed as a sympathetic character and has someho...
Posted by GARMR on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:06:00 PST

You have been assimilated

I had a Health and Safety Training day for werk today and the whole thing has left me relatively depressed. I probably read too much into things like this but it just seems to sum up the direction tha...
Posted by GARMR on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 01:52:00 PST

stating the bleeding obvious

There is a theory, and I'm not entirely sure where it comes from but it is one of those philosophical ideas that gets your mind going or appeals in some way to myself. I'm not sure of the origins of ...
Posted by GARMR on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:52:00 PST

The Way of Wyrk

The culture of work has in the West has sought to dominate people's lives. Some would say it has succeeded in this. We work increasingly long hours at meaningless, stressful jobs for very little real...
Posted by GARMR on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:16:00 PST