*The New and Improved About Me*:
Name: ej
Date of Birth: Back in the day!
Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany - Army Bratt
Current Location: Ghetto, Georgia
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'10" and shrinking
Heritage: A bunch of white folks...so they tell me.
Piercings: Nope
Tattoos: Not yet
Movie: Anything w/Vampires
Disney Movie: Nope
TV show: Battle Star
Color: Yellow
Food: Filet Mignon
Pizza topping: Pep/Mushrroms/Ital S/Onion/Green P
Ice-Cream Flavor: Turtle
Drink (alcoholic): Bacardi
Soda: Diet
Store: Target
Clothing Brand: Old Navy
Shoe Brand: Rockport
Season: Fall
Month: Whenever fall starts
Holiday/Festival: Xmas
Flower: Magnolia
Make-Up Item:
Board game: Don't play 'em
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: Van
Fruit or veggie: Veg
Night or day: Night!!!!!!!!
Sour or sweet: Sour
Love or money: Money
Phone or in person: Phone
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Coffee!!!!
Hot or cold: Warm
Goal for this year: pay off bills...just like every year
Most missed memory: Can't remember
Best physical feature: ?
First thought waking up: Fuuuuuuck!
Hypothetical personality disorder: ADD!!! fo sho!
Preferred type of plastic surgery:
Sesame street alter ego: Grouch
Fairytale alter ego: wtf?
Most stupid remark: The question above
Worst crime:
Greatest ambition: Become a pilot
Greatest fear:
Darkest secret:
Favorite subject:
Strangest received gift:
Worst habit: Procrastination
Do You:
Smoke: Nope
Drink: Yup!
Curse: Fuck yeah!
Shower daily: Of course!
Like thunderstorms: God yes!
Dance in the rain: Would if I could dance
Sing: Only in the shower
Play an instrument: A.I.R. guitar
Get along with your parents: Yes!
Wish on stars: Have
Believe in fate: Sometimes
Believe in love at first sight: Nope
Can You:
Drive: Legally?
Sew: Nope
Cook: Yup
Speak another language: Si...yeah, right.
Dance: Nope
Sing: We've covered this
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope and that's a stupid question
Whistle: Yup
Curl your tongue: Yup
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: LMFAO!
Been Stoned/High: Nope
Eaten Sushi: Yummy!
Been in Love: Once...it was a Tuesday
Skipped school: Yup
Made prank calls: Yup
Sent someone a love letter: Nope
Stolen something: Yup
Cried yourself to sleep: Nope
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Jealousy
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? 2-4 AM
Name three things you can't live without: Food, Water, Air
What is the color of your room? Brown
Do you have any siblings? Nope
Do you have any pets? Yup
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? If I wouldn't get caught
What is you middle name? Jason
What are you nicknames? EJ
Are you for or against gay marriage? Go for it
What are your thoughts ..ion? Yup
Do you have a crush on anyone? Sure
Are you afraid of the dark? Nope...love it!
How do you want to die? Quickly
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? WTF
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? If I couldn't get out of the way in time!
What is the last law you’ve broken? Speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Don't care
Eye color: Don't care
Height Shorter than I am
Weight Don't care
Most important physical feature: Smile
Biggest turn-off Jealousy
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Click for the Bench Warmers Pics from 4/15/06
It's the internet....anyone. In real life, you can never have enough friends.
"She paints a pretty picture, but a picture with a twist. That paintbrush is a razor, and the canvas is her wrist."
Everything except heavy heavy heavy metal....country if she's cute, but only 1 day out of the year when my redneck friend visits and gets me really drunk. If he's buying, I have to listen. And Stephen Lynch...he's funny a fuck!
I watch 'em.. fav's...hummm... Clockwork Orange, The Boondock Saints, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Week-end Marriage, The Man from Snowy River, Failsafe, Blade Runner, The Crow, Underworld, Office Space, Donnie Darko, Garden State, Requiem for a Dream, Natural Born Killers, Train Spotting, The Chronicles of Riddick....a bunch actually.
Dan Brown..just got back into reading and his books are amazing.
My Mom and Dad.... Each and every serviceman/woman out there...even in the Coastguard!