Spin The Hands Of Time, Until You Reach The End profile picture

Spin The Hands Of Time, Until You Reach The End

Did you know that Before you came into my life, Some kind of Miracle that i survived....Someday we w

About Me

The Basic Package...Heres what you've won, or could win..in semi-random order:....A BRAND NEWWW CARRRR. no. i'm actually not really into cars, unlike most guys i guess?. i don't forsee myself even driving cause my eyes wander too much and i couldn't handle it if i accidently hit someone or even an animal. public transportation here works just fine, most of the time..and i love walking........i'm not a veggie, but if i lived on a farm i would have to be because i would become attached to the animals and never kill them........now asking myself, wtf did i start HERE..well i'm random, thats pretty much a demonstration of it.......please never call me a democrat or a republican, a liberal, a conservative, or any other title for that matter..i'm me, and those are all insulting......i'm quite atypical in alot of ways(mostly-all good though, at least to me : p )..........some people think i'm negative, but i'm positive. other people think i'm really positive but i'm just realistic.......i don't believe in heroes, but if you are good times, i can care about you alot more then i ever could a hero........"i tell them theres no problem, only solutions"(watching the wheels-john lennon)............ i try to be honest but many don't appreciate it. i can be merciless with the truth if i feel its needed. i don't try to insult anyone ever, but if someone goes way too far eventually i gladfully burn them with the intent to leave scars. its debateable whether i'm a failure in alot of ways, but i always succeed at that.........honesty is huge to me......HUGE........okay i can't make the text bigger so i won't type huge again. well cept that time. : ).........friends, family, and general happiness of people are most important to me. music comes next.........i have issue with the new concept of friendship. it seems the person who said you'll be lucky if you have even a handful of good friends when all is said and done, was right..if not being kind. friendship has been replaced by networking concepts. use someone up till you don't need em, love them when you want something, and be a ghost when you don't and they probably need you the most. please don't bother me if these are your ideas of friendship. : ).........if in some crazy urge you want to call me your best friend, please don't. something bad always happens. same thing goes with singing/saying the words to a clay aiken song to tell me you are in love with me. no offense clay........just in case he's secretly obsessed with my awesome life and reads this all the time.........no, i don't care if clay aiken is gay..no, i don't care about celebrities' lives at all. if you hate gay people, you're probably gay..which means you probably hate yourself. go jump off a bridge........the brooklyn bridge and the verazano are so beautiful........don't really jump off a bridge, just think and stop hating people so much-and if your drinking the Jesus juice with the little ritz cracker, then listen to him and don't judge, don't hate, DO allow for free will(its not harming you, and evangelicals like pat robertson with multiple divorces are hurting the sanctity of marraige, not gay people), and listen to others like you want Him to listen to you no matter how deep in the closet you really are heh.........yes, i believe in God. its fine if you don't, and i won't try to make you believe in God. i do believe in heaven, but i don't believe that people go or don't go just because of what religion they believe in. i think it all comes down to the kind of person you are. i know some pretty awesome atheists and some pretty evil acting people of religion. i personally believe in Jesus but don't believe in organized religion(if you are like HUH? awesome). what ever you believe/do, if its healthy, rock on.........p/s i won't hold what someone else did to me in the past, against you...........most people don't listen to me, some people pretend they do, and i listen to everyone(yes, i'm omnipotent : p ) if they want to be heard, or at least i will try..........if you are not using me, i like being of any help i can be. bring it on...........its true that the center of the earth is the end of the world, but somewhere inbetween there and the 4 corners of the earth are some people reaching out over the police barriers, with cups of cyanide, each hoping one of the four horsemen will grab and drink on their way racing to the end. i'd like to believe i'm one of those people. when something bad happens(pretty often at times for me) i usually go off to be alone at first, and i'll talk about it later. or i'd like to just sit there with someone and not say much, till suddenly i can't shut up about it..well sometimes.......i used to not talk much, and i would be told i should talk more..then i talked alot sometimes, and people say "you talk too much", but even still sometimes i go along time being really quiet as well. anyway, my conclusion from all that just reverberates that alot of people are never satisfied. so i'd pretty much prefer to talk less and be in my own little world. i'm working on that........i like the beach late at night and/or in the late fall and winter..early spring..rather then the summer, when i can just be in my own far away place. oceans, lakes and ponds most of all, are the most beautiful places in the world and the most true. these places and mountain side rifts are my favorite places in the world. and of course, chicago........i don't like being all alone too long, so don't forget about me. i won't forget about you, i promise...........i've never broken a promise, and thats a promise : p.........new york, i could say alot about. alot of it may not be kind. but i can say that i'd rather live here then most places, from what i do know, though i suspect i won't live here that much longer. but then again, who knows. the best places in new york, wonderful places that defy some of the rest, are union square, central park, prospect park, and the beach down here, as well as coney island beach friday summer nights. though after this year, that will be gone : ( i'll have to go there more often this year to squeeze the last out of it : ).........no matter who you are, i don't care how you look, if it spins your wheels then its more then cool with me. beauty is both an illusion and a reality..in the middle ages people who would today be considered overweight and told by many to make changes, were worshipped in everything, just check the art. today its really thin people, particularly anorexic ones. reality is that once the trained(brainwashed?) eye is relieved of its duty by getting to knowsomeone, their beauty starts to really unfold. no matter how you see people, theres some things you don't see right away, and thats part of the fun..or pain..depends....i'm not ugly to me, but i know to you i likely am, so if you ask me i'll be quick to tell you i am. it saves us both the trouble, and i can still do those poses when no ones...i mean..anyway..haha j p..maybe : p basically i don't really care how anyone thinks i should look, as long as it works for me : )...........i love art, though i'm about the last person you'll ever catch going to The Met(not that its not pretty cool there), but if you have photos or paintings or drawings or MUSIC, i'll gladly look at it anytime. as long as its not a dot on a canvas, its cool with me.........myself, i am a killer stick figure artist, but so as not to make people jealous i focus on being a musician. i started off by playing the piano, then it was revived in me by writing lyrics, and its just expanded outward from there. hopefully soon i'll have an album..........i don't care about money, and i'll be fine as long as i have enough to get by.........society is controlled and life is hampered greatly for many by todays job system..........office space is a great movie.........the worst thing that ever happened to this country is todays pop culture and the assassination of jfk/mlk/rfk........the best thing that ever happened to this country is pop rocks and you..you know who you are.........its not a conspiracy theory if you can prove it. i can prove it...........the truth does all the work, all i do is speak it. no special talent required.........nobody knows even half of who i am, though i'd like that not to be the case. inquire with in........the best day of my life was when the woman i've loved the most told me she was getting married. you may not understand that. the worst day of my life was not yesterday, nor is today, nor will it be tomorrow, but its somewhere and i feel it........the soul is more important then the mind, but the mind can work as a two translator for the soul. don't think too much, i tried it, it sucks hardcore. but please do think, and decide things for yourself : ).........i like food, its pretty cool. i like cooking, but i can't cook so i hope you enjoy your food a little charred : p my weight flucuates greatly in 3 year patterns : p i'm not sure what part of the latter phaze i am in right now, but it seems the bills could use a defensive tackle.......i also like candles alot, and i twice almost burned my shirt off accidently moving my arm to close to a candle. yes, i am a clutz,at least when i'm tired, but no, i'm not a pyro despite all the ashes going on : p........i do like sports, but i really only talk about sports with my friends who like sports. i pretty much enjoy.........talking about it because they do. some of my best memories come from playing football, baseball, or basketball........with some of my old friends. i can enjoy pretty much anything, so hit me with it. as long as its not harmful/wasteful, i'll probably like it..i'll at least give it a try........i tried opera and plays, i really don't like it. i could stomach going if i had to, but a movie sounds good tome. : ).......particularly rented at home, with some good food : D........i've experienced and have some of the most random, funny stories, ever. i'm not that good at telling them, though, but they're still funny enough to overcome that : )......dreamers are realists. i don't dream(or i should say wake up remembering dreams) often, and usually when i do.......they are nightmares, but i dream alot when i'm awake.......p/s, drinking water right before you sleep solves most problems with nightmares and uncomfortable sleep. i remember to tell people that, but sometimes forget myself....i have bad memory, but its usually fun.........at 4 am, i am either really quiet or i laugh at everything...ANYTHING.......i'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round.(thanks again john lennon)........wanna watch with me? for the premium package, you'll have to contact me for details..................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .my older "about me" thing i wrote..some additional insight perhaps :O :O :O :hi..i'm 25 years old and live in nyc(brooklyn)..i was born here and i've lived here all my life with the exception of a few months when i lived in a small town..really more like out in the middle of no where in averill park and then i moved to east greenbush for a very short while, only to return here..well anyway, i'm not sure why i went into that but basically i'm a musician, i play piano and i write music lyrics and now i'm currently working on an album, which hopefully will be complete by the end of the year..music is my favorite thing and brings me the most joy by far with the exception of a small number of people..i spent time as well doing what i can to help drive out the bush regime and get out the 9/11 truth, get a new investigation leading to those truly responsible being held accountable as they should, and stopping/reversing the completely distructive and fatal direction of corporatism/globalism. i like other things as well but i think i've covered them below or above or somewhere else on this page...i'm not really into politics at all, as a matter of fact i largely hate it, but i came to a realization after learning about so much of the wrongs being done, that i have to take more initiative as a person to try to change the political environment, not just the social environment...or else we all suffer irreprehensibly. so many people already are suffering and dying unneccessarily. and both the social and political environment intertwine and effect eachother, and so by taking part in one you are impacting the other. to get the whole scope you have to come to grips with the whole scope, so you can take on and change the entire landscape for the better. also, by understanding one and not understanding the other, you may become counterproductive of your very own wishes for the world. for example, lets say your against child labor and your for equal rights for women. so you vote for someone who appears to be very passionate about this. the next day you go to the store and buy clothing that is sweatshopped. thats counterproductive. and truth is, most politicians are frauds so its what you do the other 364 1/4 days a year socially and politically that will make just about all the impact. okay, this is supposed to be "about me", but i guess i'm just trying to explain..heh. i'm very passionate about human life and people being happy..i try hard to help others be happy and i am a dreamer..no doubt about that..though i will admit right now its harder for me. none the less, dreamers are realists. honesty is extremely important to me and in some twisted irony i've been given just about none of it in my years, but perhaps thats just the state of the current world at large :sigh:..i'm quiet with new people usually, though it all depends on the setting i suppose..i'm just weird like that YEP..i'm more positive then i sometimes sound, i like to think for myself rather then be someones drone and i don't like materialism, and to be honest i couldnt possibly explain all of myself or close to it in this silly little box, plus i'm tired, so i'm going to fast foward..you can feel free to ask me if you wish to know or just get to know me? thats the best way to find out in depth who i am i say...running down some other things, lets see..what else..i am single but yet, not, if that makes sense..and it probably doesnt...i'm im not sure what else to say here..but if ur curious or bored or anything like that u can ask if u like............. "that is, if you want to ignore the reality and complexity of the world in which we live -- I cant stop you. But I can tell you that if you do that, you are abandoning minimal standards of political and moral responsibility, and you become partially responsible for the injuries done as a result of a system you refuse to confront."-Robert Jenson, University Of TexasSave The World - One Click At A Time!
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My Interests

Writing music, listening to music, playing piano, and a little guitar..history..nature stuff..photography..movies..astronomy..playing baseball, football, basketball..watching a bit..doing really random stuff..other things i cant think of right now, fam and friends most of all. oh yea, and of course, ever so important, trying to change the world, including addressing this:"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." --David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405(paperback)WHY hasn't he, and his monetary friends, known as the "new world order", been arrested for treason? why haven't they been arrested for many human rights violations, including sweatshops? why haven't they been investigated for ties to 9/11? Figure this out, and you're on your way to helping change the world.nosweatshop.com Veteransforpeace.org newyorkny911truth.org Votetoimpeach.org justicefor911.org Impeachbush.org worldcantwait.org notinourname.org http://www.greenpeace.org/international/Please Investigate 9/11 for yourself. Cause its important enough, and as was so well put by RATM: "Who controls the past now, controls the future..Who controls the present now, controls the past.."Standard collapse due to fire or Explosion(s) via Controlled Demolition? You need to be the jury...Photographs: -The Blessed -Its That Simple -Moment -Moving On -Death is Always Close By -Surrounded by Angels -Waiting For The Dawn Of Time -Waiting On The Fence For Answers -The Wanderers Are The Heirs -Your Body Is Wonderland -Sand In A Bottle -Frozen Blur -Color Wheel -Bridge Over The Divide -Time Is Looming, Time Has Struck -You're Weighing On My Mind Always -The Long and Winding Offroad

I'd like to meet:

umm..dont know..i just go with how ever things go..that might be a crappy answer hah....but i'd love for you to watch this and then do something about it.......................................................... .......................................................Doesn 't have to be so disheartening,/ if we could just start over today/ I'll race you to the sandbox/ before we got chickenpox/ Before the white phosphorous/ before partners betrayed us/ And let me tell you of whats coming/ And you can sit me down to tell me: this isnt gonna be easy/ So be ready-expect anything, and i'll say: make up your own way/ Doesn't have to be so disheartening/ not this hard, anyway ............................................................ .......................................................... no offense to anyone who thinks its cool, but i think the top 8 on here is the stupidest crap ever. rankingpeople up and down based on one day to the next, jockeying for position, ect,..just really a waste of time andcreates problems that should have been left in the sandbox. so just so you know, i have no rank order. as amatter of fact, i only put people there at all because they are people i'm close to or though we are knewlymet, i'm particularly interested and its easy access to their page, rather then seaching through hundreds ofprofiles. so please, if you would actually care, no worries.


favorite songs:Time To Remember by Billy Joel/ The Way by Fastball/ Watching The Wheels by John Lennon/ Jesus Of Suburbia by Green Day/ Name by GooGoo Dolls/ In Too Deep by Genesis/ All Out Of Love by Air Supply/ Just Between You And Me by Lou Gramm/ RunningOn Empty by Jackson Browne/ Do You Remember by Phil Collins/ Faithfully by Journey/ Holding Back The Years bySimply Red/ Imperative by Near Forever/ We Know by Remo Conscious/ Blurry by Puddle Of Mudd/ MotorcycleDrive by Third Eye Blind/ If I Ever Lose My Faith In You by Sting/ Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams/ Its Been AWhile by Staind/ Lounge Act by Nirvana/ One by U2/ Where Ever You Will Go by The Calling/ Seein' Red byUnwritten Law/ All You Wanted by Michelle Branch/ Take Me Home by Phil Collins/ Intervention by Near Forever/All Of My Life by Phil Collins/ Cuts Like A Knife by Bryan Adams/ Shes Got A Way by Billy Joel/ Lady In Red byChris Deburgh/ Blackhole Sun by Soundgarden/ Illusions by F.I.G.H.T. Club/ Innocent Man by Billy Joel/ Summer,Highland Falls by Billy Joel/ 1983 by Jimi Hendrix Experience/ The Flame by Cheap Trick/ Boys Of Summer by DonHenley/ Leaving 99 by Audio Adrenaline/ We Said Hello Goodbye by Phil Collins/ Fade By Staind/ Bin Laden byImmortal Technique/ Mercy Me by Marvin Gaye/Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me by Elton John and George Michael/ Against All Odds by PhilCollins/ Fields Of Gold by Sting/ Hand To Mouth by George Michael/ Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana/ Smile On YourBrother by Buffalo Springfield/ A little's Enough by Angels And Airwaves/ All Apologies by Nirvana/ Shes Got AWay by Billy Joel/ Piano In The Dark by Nina/ Runaway Train by Soul Asylum/ I've Been Waiting by Foreigner/Stuck On You by Lionel Richie/ Not Ready To Make Nice by The Dixie Chicks/ I'll Be by Ed McCain/ Macy's DayParade by Green Day/ Sacrifice by Elton John/ Secrets by Tears For Fears/ Never Let Go by Bryan Adams/ Revolution Song by Alexa Ray Joel/ StandStill, Look Pretty by The Wreckers/ A Kiss Won't Make This Better by Lorene Drive/ Hemorrhage(In My Hands) byFuel/ Break It Down Again by Tears For Fears/ Somewhere Only We Know by Keane/ Uninvited by Alanis Morissette/Hazard by Richard Marx/ Crazy by Simple Plan/ Drive by The Cars/ Against All Odds by Phil Collins/ Working ClassHero by John Lennon/ Whats Going On? by Marvin Gaye/Coming Around Again by Carly Simon/ Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears/All About Soul by Billy Joel/ Lady In Red by Chris Deburgh Holiday by Green day/ Someone Saved My Life Tonightby Elton John/ Windmills by Toad The Wet Sprocket/ D.O.A. by The Foo Fighters/ Hands To Heaven(Sweet Caress) byBreathe/ When I'm With You by Sheriff/ The Search Is Over by Survivor/ Your The Inspiration by Chicago/ Hows ItGoing To Be by Third Eye Blind/ Dont Dream Its Over by Crowded House/ Head Games by Foreigner/ Leaving 99 byAudio Adrenaline/ You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon/ Torn by Natalie Imbruglia/ Bent by Matchbox Twenty/ We DidntStart The Fire by Billy Joel/ Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana/ Lady In Red by Chris Deburgh/ The One by Elton John/Seven In The Sea by Rio/ Blue As The Sky by Tyler Burkum/ Dust In The Wind by Kansas/ Still Frame by Trapt/Someday I'll Be Saturday Night by Bon Jovi/ End Over End by Foo Fighters/Midnight Blue by Lou Gramm/ Sunny Came Home by Shawn Colvin/ TasteOf Ink by The Used/ Inside Job by Don Henley/ Sound Of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel/ Absolutely Zero by JasonMraz/ Instant Karma by John Lennon/ Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel/ Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morisson/ All IWant by Toad The Wet Sprocket/ Why Don't You And I by Chad Kroeger and Santana/ Ain't No Sunshine by BillWithers/ Glory Of Love by Chicago/ November Rain by Guns'N'Roses/ If You Don't Know Me By Now by Simply Red/Wasting My Time by Default/ Circles by Incubus/ Honesty by Billy Joel/ Pennyroyal Tea by Nirvana/ Throwing ItAll Away by Genesis/ Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx/ Ironic by Alanis Morrisette/ Endless Summer Nights byRichard Marx/ All Apologies by Nirvana/ Pardon Me by Incubus/ You Oughta Know by Alanis Morrisette/ All Cried Out by Allure and 112/EverybodiesFool by Evanescence/ Miami 2017(live) by Billy Joel/ In This Land(Remix) by Rio/ Bright White Jacket by AprilSmith And Band/ Come On Eileen- Dexy's Midnight Runners/ Drain You by Nirvana/ Beware? Criminal! by Incubus/Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by GreenDay/ Imagine by John Lennon/ Collide but the version by my friend Becky isbetter : D ..great song though and excellent writing by Howie Day/ Domino(In The Glow of The Night,The LastDomino) by Genesis/ Take It To The Limit by The Eagles/ Time of Your Life by GreenDay/ This Is War by SmileEmpty Soul/ Sarah by Starship/ Here With Me by Reo Speedwagon/ I'll Stand By You by The Pretenders/ Leader OfMen by Nickelback/ Instant Karma by John Lennon/ I Still Havent Found What I'm Looking For by U2/ 3 am byMatchbox Twenty/ The Man Who Sold The World by Nirvana/ Forever and For Always by Shania Twain/ Far Away byNickelback/ Forever Young by Rod Stewart/ Do I Have To Say The Words? by Bryan Adams/ Hold On My Heart byGenesis/ Love My Way by The Psychedelic Furs/ Last Good Day Of The Year by Cousteau/ With Or Without You by U2/Kissing A Fool by George Michael/ Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind/ Where I Want To Be by Lifehouse/ Heavenby Bryan Adams/ Starting Over by Audio Adrenaline/ Solar Flare by 311/ Hold On My Heart by Genesis/ Why Do YouHave To Be So Hard To Love by Bryan Adams/ Turn! Turn! Turn! by The Byrds/ How Do I Live by Leanne Rhymes/ Againby Lenny Kravitz/ Undefeated by Audio Adrenaline/ Black Velvet by Alana Miles/ Still by The Foo Fighters/ TimeAfter Time by Cyndie Lauper/ Graduate by Third Eye Blind/ She Hates Me by Puddle Of Mudd/ Je Ne Sais Pas byCeline Dion/ Just A Ghost by Feak Quincy/ Harmony by Elton John/ Good Intentions by Toad The Wet Sprocket/ OneMore Night by Phil Collins/ Windmills by Toad The Wet Sprocket/ Real World by Matchbox Twenty/ Start The Machine by Angels And Airwaves/ I WantTo Know What Love Is by Foreigner/ Blinded By The Light by Mannfred Mann/ Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis/Jumper by Third Eye Blind/ Are You Happy Now by Michelle Branch/ December by Collective Soul/ Lost In Your Eyesby Debbie Gibson/ Sky Blue And Black by Jackson Browne/ Someday by Nickelback/Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morrisette/ Cherish The Love by Kool & TheGang/ Island In The Sun by Weezer/ Echo by Incubus/ A Mile Away by J Minus/ Kodachrome by Paul Simon/ Freedom 90by George Michael/ A Certain Shade Of Green by Incubus/ Hangin' Around by Gemma Hayes/ In The Air Tonight byPhil Collins/ President Gas by The Psyhcedelic Furs/ This War by Angels And Airwaves/ These Are The Times by Dru Hill/What Are We Gonna Do? byDramarama/ (Rains Down In)Africa by Toto/ Shannon by Henry Gross/ Rosanna by Toto/ Tuesday Morning by MichelleBranch/ Talk Shows On Mute by Incubus/ Distraction by Angels And Airwaves/ Time Of The Season(For Loving) by TheZombies/ Admiration by Incubus/ Shimmer by Fuel/ Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton/ Hero by Maria Carey/Theres A Reason Why These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet by Panic! At The Disco/ Water From The Moon by Celine Dion/ Celebrate by Kool and TheGang/ Tubthumping by Chumbawamba/Fall Down by Toad The Wet Sprocket/ Helpless by Buffalo Springfield/ Suddenly by Billy Ocean/ TheRevolution Song by Alexa Ray Joel/ Dig by Incubus/ Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton/ Chances by Air Supply/Shes All I Ever Had by Ricky Martin/Carry You With Me by Tyler Burkum/ Champagne Supernova by Oasis/ St. Elmo's Fire by John Parr/ Miracle by AudioAdrenaline/ Something Got Me Started by Simply Red/ She's Fresh by Kool and The Gang/ Even The Nights Are Betterby Air Supply/ Sailing by Christopher Cross/ F Bush by Tha Truth/Mad Season by Matchbox Twenty/ Love and War by Devola/ Genious of Love by Tom Tom Club/ 96 Tears by ? and the Mysterians...i'm sure i left plenty out, i ll add more later : ) ..........."Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock." - Kurt Cobain.......Check Out This Music Video and If You Want This Code or Any Video Codes From This Page Let Me Know, I'll Send It Your Way. Boom! By System Of A Down ..


Loser.....V FOR VENDETTA..The Village, Crash, Goodnight and Good Luck, Bruce Almighty, City of Angels, The Mothman Prophesies, Stand by Me, What Dreams May Come, Rush Hour(1 and 2), Anatomy of a Murder, JFK, The Untouchables, Ace Ventura, X-Files movie(love the x-files : D ..heh), Along Came a Spider, Breakfast Club, The Pianist, Road To Perdition, Ferris Buelers Day Off(i think? hah..we just call it ferris bueler..we meaning, my family), House on Haunted Hill, Jurrasic Park(1 and 2), Glory, The Fugitive, Wrongfully Accused, Remember the Titans, Forest Gump, Blair Witch Trial, 15 minutes, Sea of Love, Saving Private Ryan, Dude Wheres My Car, Meet the Parents, Imagine, Money Talks, Bill and Teds Exellent Adventure..haha man, most people probably forgot that but i think its funny as hell, Troy, Braveheart, Training Day, Spiderman.........Ever heard of the game of Monopoly? Heres the real life version and what really happens when a few people try to "own the board". new world order..Monopoly Men: ..


............................................................ .......................................................... Malcom X:"The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is the Republicans will stick a 12 inch knife in your back then the democrats will come along and pull it out 3 inches - I don't call pulling a 12 inch knife out of my back 3 inches making progress"Malcolm X had no illusions in the so-called differences between the Democrats and Republicans. "One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.” In the 1964 presidential elections, when the candidates were Johnson (the “peace” candidate) vs. Goldwater (the "war" candidate), Malcolm X exposed the deciet of this phony distinction."The shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists," he said, "knew that the only way people would run towards the fox (Johnson) would be if you showed them the wolf (Goldwater). So they created a ghastly alternative... And at the moment he (Johnson) had troops invading the Congo and South Vietnam." ............................................................ .......................................................... "Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." (Benito Mussolini, Encyclopedia Italiana) -from "Hiters Playbook: Bush and The Abuse Of Power"///There has been no attention paid to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn where uncounted numbers of American citizens are being held without charge while Ashcroft petitions the courts to allow their deportation. The defense counsels of John Lindh, Zacarias Moussaoui, Richard Reid and Jose Padilla have had their hands tied by the DOJ in the name of "national security." If George and his gang decide to call you a "hostile combatant" then you can just kiss your rights goodbye. Some still argue that these people and others like them are proven enemies of the country or just "very bad people," but how long will it take before the precedent being set with these accused "terrorists" trickles down to folks like you and me?...There is an ugly secret being kept from all of us. Some of us recognize this -- especially those who see it from afar -- and then there are those who continue to refuse to believe it could happen here. And there lies the danger. Arthur Livingstone (2001) asked the question, "Does history repeat itself?" and the answer, unfortunately, is yes. (http://www.goodwriters.net/dhri1.html) We, in America, are seeing a reincarnation of the Third Reich, and its name is Corporatism. If left unchecked, the worst case scenario will be that Americans will be left without liberty, justice or freedom. Thomas Jefferson saw the threat in 1816: "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance of the laws of our country."...The only thing standing in the way of the Far Reich's goal of corporatism is the American public. One stumbling block that Bush faces that Hitler didn't have to contend with, is the vast amount of information available with today's technology. The Internet has brought a world together in ways never dreamed of in the days of WWII. It is both a source of comfort that we are not alone and a source of frustration as it causes us to wonder when will the rest of the country catch up?...-this also from "Hitlers Playbook: Bush and The Abuse Of Power"...................................................... ............................................................ ..................................JFK 2...watch it, learn it, stop it... .. leaving this as reality:


mostly i read articles(i don't mean playboy hah), poems, music lyrics, but i do sometimes chug a book. ............................................................ .........................Its not that your not good enough/ its just that we can make it better.. You dont have to pay the price/ we can keep you young and tender..Follow in the footsteps of the funeral pyre.. you were paid not to listen/ now your house is on fire...Wake me up when things get started/ when everything starts to happen........Some of us are horrified/ others never talk about it.. But when the weather starts to furl/ then you'll know that your in trouble..Follow in the footsteps of a soldier girl/ it is time to put your clothes on and to face the world...Don’t you feel your luck is changing/ when everything starts to happen... Put your head right next to my heart/ the beat of the drum, is the fear of the dark.......(Mothers Talk by Tears For Fears)


Heroes fade, and their statues turn to dust........................."can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live/ can you take what you need, and less then you give/ could you close every day, without the glory and fame/ would you hold your head high, when no one knows your name/thats how legends are made/ at least thats what they say../we say good bye, but never let go/ we live, we die, cause you can't save every soul/ gotta take every chance to/ show that you're the kinda man who/ will never look back,/ and never look down/ never let go.."....(never let go-bryan adams)

My Blog

I see God in the fog on my slurpie...

Some newer pre-sleep writing for some fairly sleepy pre-sleep posting : p  Btw, yes, there is a coloring book with Lincoln getting bumped off(i'd swear if i swore, but i can promise and i wi...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 06:58:00 PST

Two People I Used To Know

Late night imagination, early morning sleep. Night/morning : )  be safe Two People I Used To Know Have your images in circle frames on my wallsWords, written in hearts on bathroom stallsThis whol...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 05:17:00 PST

Understanding Today's Governments Part 1-Simple Breakdown

How Corporate Government Works Fake parties rule. For example, the two prominent parties in America are the "democrats" and "republicans". We know they are fake, beyond their telling behavior, ba...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:58:00 PST

Jay's Song(And Mine)

Thankyou to a man named Jay, for the inspiration. This came about in segments, so quickly. Jay's Song(And Mine) I was born in 1984,I'll be damned if i'm gonna die in itI was born in the cold war,And ...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Thu, 17 May 2007 02:41:00 PST

Good Morning, Partial Military State

Well i woke up today to news that National Guard were officially, and apparently permanently, being installed at Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal(both in midtown manhattan), and that 40 Nationa...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:56:00 PST

So apparently...

at least some of my family is on some special "watch list". My oldest brother, today was heading on a flight out west to visit a friend and go on a road trip. After his flight time and airline was to...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:31:00 PST

Top of the Mornin' to ya

: p A song lyric i passed along to someone, who might put it to use, that i wanted to share. Carnival everybodies had a rideand everybody got offbut when it all was overeverybody went home to start al...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:32:00 PST

Need i say i love you? Need i say i care? Need i say that emotion's..something we don't share?

Its May(dur me) and spring is settling in nicely. My favorite thing about spring is you can smell the past..the present..and the future, all at once. Its the ultimate flute playing above the snak...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:50:00 PST


People(Appeal) people, tell me what about you is realpeople, tell me why you act the way you do would you show me the stories behind the highlights of your exhibition?can you show me intentions of you...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:31:00 PST

Now i can't sing a love song, like the way its meant to be..

Well i guess i'm not that good, anymore? But baby, thats just me... Hmm just sharing some writing below...hmm, inspired night maybe...Don't ask me who this first one is about..its pretty much str...
Posted by Its Almost Redundant to Say It For The First Time on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:41:00 PST