writing, trying to finally get down in print the first book idea thats been floating around in my head.... Playing guitar, singing, trying every blend of coffee known to man... knitting.... people watching... observing, and just enjoying life.Don't give me that face> This Video made me Cry. The most amazing story.
People that live in Any of the Five Boroughs, including Muscians! Oh and Knitters (I knit)****ALSO*** laid back genuine people... I need more of them in my life. pssst just a lil note.... I'm totally against the phrase... "my people" anyone that defines people by limiting themselves to one group they consider "their people" is limiting their scope of life, love and happiness. We all have different life experiences and traditions and cultures... but we are all people. Variety is the spice of life. Stop living life by what you know and mix it up.
The Only Band You'll Ever Need....Um besides ya know... Rorie Kelly and More of The Mess.... thats the other one you need...because its Rorie Kelly...
Amelie, Triplets of Belleville, Hedwig and The angry Inch,Momento, Serendipity(heh)... Say Anything...,Benny and Joon, Lost In translation, Dirty Pretty Things, Bridget Jones(cause I basically am her)... lets go old skool for a moment... Funny Face,singing in the rain,an affair to remember....O so many more...
No. No thanks.
Perks of being a Wallflower, Echo or any Francessca Lia Block for that matter, Catcher in the Rye,Running With Scissors,Heartbreaking work of staggering genius. On the Road, Dharma Bums, I actually liked..."Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," "My legendary girlfriend",Icy Sparks, One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Love Medicine, "The Celestine Prophecy" ... THe Four Agreements....Any Emily Dickinson too:-)
" I told myself in 27, if I can not dictate the conditions of my labor, I will henceforth cease to work. You don't have to go to college to figure these things out, no sir.He said, I learned when I was young that the only true life I have is the life of my brain, but if its true that the only real life I have is the life of my brain what sense does it make to hand that brain to somebody for eight hours a day for their particular use on the presumption that at the end of that day they will give it back in an Unmutalated condition... fat chance." Utah Philips-quoting Jack Kerouac My Grandmother for everything she was and still is in my heart.